OUR INNOVATION, RESEARCH & CLINICAL EFFECTVINESS PATHWAY (I+R=CE2) 2017/18 DEMONSTRATING CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS EMBED A CULTURE GROW CAPABILITY & CAPACITY DIGBQ’s ‘Innovate to improve Quality’, is being developed as an ambitious dynamic pathway, linking Innovation, (I) Research (R), and Clinical Effectiveness (CE), which includes NICE, national and professional standards and audit together with the ambition to improve quality. The Innovation, Research and Clinical Effectiveness (I+R=CE2) Pathway is how we will build a culture for this within the trust Capacity is a process of development which leads to higher levels of skills and greater ability to perform. Capability is the ability to deliver. I+R=CE2 will be integrated and grown from within the service delivery models of the trust, within each team/service . Clinical Effectiveness is the application of the best knowledge, derived from research, clinical experience and patient preferences to achieve optimum processes and outcomes of care for patients. The process involves a framework of informing, changing and monitoring practice. NICE guidelines and audit are an integral part of this process. Our commitment is ensure all our services can demonstrate their clinical effectiveness and can design and test new solutions to meet new service need.. DEVELOP COLLABORATIVE PARTNERSHIP BUILD STRONG RELATIONSHIPS WITH CUSTOMERS It is the responsibility of all healthcare professionals and health care staff to participate in IRCE activity, but, it is not an activity that should be done alone. We need to work together : empower our teams and services, work with our ‘E xperts by Experience’ patients and service users to make this real. We need to look outside our trust for support too: develop and strengthen Collaborative partnerships to learn from others and grow. Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is a key part of the NHS and I+R=CE2 and PPI ensures relevance and high quality outcomes for the intended end users. Teams will be empowered to develop and deliver their own IRCE plans , with patients and service users as subject matter experts. But are customers are wider then PPI and include amongst other service users, patients, carers, the public, staff, commissioners and networks and commercial enterprises OUR MISSION STATEMENT “Researching today with you, improving tomorrow for all”
OUR PLAN AND ACTIONS FOR 2017/18 MANAGEMENT & GOVERNANCE, REPORTING Research and Innovation may have risks which must be identified and managed Our ‘Framework for Management and Governance of IRCE ‘ (NHFT 2017) addresses this. The trust must to capturing and report on IRCE activity , particularly research and audit and its impact. This will be done with the support of management tools We will also audit and report Number of identified Innovation Champions within teams/services IRCE activity within teams/services Our involvement delving clinical trial research on our trust website At annual conference to celebrate I+R=CE2 review, monitor PARTNERSHIP WORKING To achieve our ambition NHfT will develop collaborative partnership with organisations, that support IRCE these may include Clinical Networks/NHS providers Charities Healthwatch/patient groups Medilink Academic Health Science Network National Institute Health Research (NIHR) Universities Industry www.joindementiaresearch.nihr.ac.uk/ LEADERSHIP The strategy is lead by our Medical Director, supported by the Director of Nursing, AHP and Quality Implementation is lead by Head of Research Innovation and Clinical Effectiveness and the Head of Quality and Governance Support can be accessed via the IRCE and Quality teams Each service is responsible for the development and implementation of their own IREC plans SUPPORT IRCE Team will work with all teams/services to identify an Ideas champion (IC) for their service and work with them to support the development of their team/service I+R=CE2 plans. Ideas can be posted on the ‘Innovation Space’ The IRCE Team , will provide expert advice and knowledge, and seek to identify resources where necessary for individual projects through a monthly Ideas Forum Information will be share on the Staffroom , the internet site and e-brief updates HOW TO GET STARTED Look at the I+R=CE2 pages on the Staffroom Think about your own practice and area Talk about this and record at your team meeting Book a meeting with the IRCE team Access resources https://nhsinnovationtoolkit.wordpress.com/