Role of Parent’s Visitation on Depression and Life Satisfaction in Juvenile Delinquents Asit Kumar Maurya Research Scholar Department of Psychology Banaras Hindu University Varanasi
Contents Introduction Objective and Hypothesis Methodology Result and discussion Conclusion Implications
Introduction A Juvenile is the person who has not completed 18 years of age and hence Juvenile Delinquency refers to anti-social or illegal behaviour by children. There are many reasons like family environment, mental disorder, social disorganization etc. because of which a child commits crime and when a child repeatedly commits a crime he is known as Juvenile delinquent. Juvenile delinquents have several types of mental problems, now it is well documented that in the juvenile justice system often report mental health problems (Cauffman, Lexcen, Goldweber, Shulman, & Grisso, 2007; Elliott, Huizinga, & Menard, 1989; Potter & Jenson, 2003; Teplin, Abram, McClelland, Dulcan, & Mericle, 2002).
Studies show that juvenile delinquents showed more depression than non-delinquents (Ryan et al 2004). Depression is strongly associated with low levels of life satisfaction and that low life satisfaction most often precedes the onset of depression; thus, life satisfaction is believed to be an important factor to consider when studying the etiology of depression and identifying individuals who are at risk of developing depression (Lewinsohn, Redner, & Seeley, 1991). Social supports play a major role in minimizing depression level and maximizing life satisfaction among juvenile delinquents. However, social support can be maintained through face-to-face visits (Kathryn C. Monahan, Asha Goldweber , Elizabeth Cauffman, 2010).
Most of Studies done on adult criminals to see the impact of visitation on their mental health that receiving more frequent visits is associated with greater psychological wellbeing and lower rule breaking activity (Jiang & Winfree, 2006; Wooldredge, 1999; Woolf & Tumin, 1991). There is very less studies on juvenile delinquents. However , a study done by Kathryn C. Monahan, Asha Goldweber , Elizabeth Cauffman, (2010) on juvenile offender and results indicate that youth who receive visits from parents report more rapid declines in depressive symptoms over time compared to youth who do not receive parental visits. But this is not sufficient to describe or generalize the impact of parent’s visitation on mental health of juvenile delinquents. Keeping this view present study is an attempt to explore the role of parent’s visitation on depression and life satisfaction of juvenile delinquents in India.
Objectives and Hypothesis To assess the role of parent’s visitation on depression of juvenile delinquents (Both RPV* and NRPV**). To assess the role of parent’s visitation on life satisfaction juvenile delinquents (Both RPV and NRPV). Hypothesis: Ho.1- There would be significant difference between RPV juvenile delinquents and NRPV juvenile delinquents on depression. Ho.2 There would be significant difference between RPV juvenile delinquents and NRPV juvenile delinquents on life satisfaction. *RPV- Receive parent’s visits, **NRPV- Not receive parent’s visits
Methodology Research design: Participants: Measures/tools: In Present study between group design is used in which one group is experimental group and another is control group. Experimental group included RPV juvenile delinquents whereas control group included NRPV juvenile delinquents. Participants: Participants in the current study were sixty male juvenile delinquents (30 RPV juvenile delinquents and 30 NRPV juvenile delinquents) were considered for this study from district of Uttar Pradesh, India whose age range from 14 to 18 years. Measures/tools: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) Satisfaction with Life Scale (SLS)
RPV Juvenile Delinquents NRPV Juvenile Delinquents Result and Discussion Table-1 RPV Juvenile Delinquents and NRPV Juvenile Delinquents on the dimension of depression. Groups N Mean SD t value Level of significance RPV Juvenile Delinquents 30 20.5 5.92 4.90 0.01 level NRPV Juvenile Delinquents 27.5 5.18 As shown in table-1 t value is 4.90 It can be said that RPV juvenile delinquents and NRPV juvenile delinquents were significantly different at 0.01 levels of significance. Result clearly shows the parent’s visitation affect the depression level in juvenile delinquents. .
RPV Juvenile Delinquents NRPV Juvenile Delinquents Result and Discussion Table-2 RPV Juvenile Delinquents and NRPV Juvenile Delinquents on the dimension of life satisfaction. Groups N Mean SD t value Level of significance RPV Juvenile Delinquents 30 28.2 3.48 -8.28 0.01 level NRPV Juvenile Delinquents 18.9 5.05 As shown in table-2 t value is 8.28. It can be said that RPV juvenile delinquents and NRPV juvenile delinquents were significantly different at 0.01 levels of significance. Result clearly shows the parent’s visitation affect the life satisfaction of juvenile delinquents.
Conclusion Parent’s visitation plays a significant important role in reducing depression and enhancing life satisfaction level in Juvenile delinquents.
Implication The results of the present study suggest that, in addition to more formal mental health treatment, encouraging visitation may diminish mental health problems among juvenile delinquents.
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