What are life’s big lessons? In your table groups, take turns reading the children’s book aloud. Read it again but this time ask yourselves: 1. What does the author want us to learn? 2. How does the title help us understand what the story is about? 3. Are there any repeating patterns or symbols? 4. What connections do YOU make to the story? 5. What are some details in the story that might have greater meaning? 6. What is the plot or conflict in the story? Does that help you understand what the author wants you to learn? 7. What would you say is the theme?
Themes in Movies and Books In your table groups, make a chart like the one you see here. Movie/Book Title Lesson Learned/Theme Harry Potter Series The Lightning Thief Friendship is more important than anything Loyalty comes at a cost
Literature Book Think about the last problem or conflict you experienced. What insight did you gain, or what did you learn, by solving the problem? State that lesson in one sentence as a message to another person who might have the same problem. Share with your table group.
Literature Book Fill in handout p. 15 while reading and discussing p. 306 and 307 in your Lit. book. Read p. 308 – 311. Take notes using p. 16 of the handout.
Book Talk Assignment Your Trimester 1 Book Talk focuses on “theme.” Make a list of topics covered in the book you are reading. Turn those topics into themes using what you’ve learned! Choose one and find 3 or 4 objects that best match the theme. Be prepared to tell us why you chose them when you present your book.