Scholarship Information Workshop Why bother? Where do I start? When do I start? What do I need to do? Who can help? Other sources of money for your education
Why bother? There is money out there if you are willing to take the time and make the effort to apply for it. Every year there are reports of scholarship money that goes unclaimed because no qualified candidates applied!!
Scholarships are not just awarded for high marks. Many scholarships are given to students who have participated in their schools and communities. Others are given to students who have participated in a variety of different activities. Your parents’ employer may offer a scholarship that you may qualify for. Your own employer may have a scholarship program. All post-secondary institutions also offer bursaries based on financial need.
RESEARCH and more RESEARCH Where do I start? RESEARCH and more RESEARCH Make sure that you talk to your parents about financing your education – do they have any RESP’s or other savings? Start with the websites listed on the handout or on the STA Scholarships and Financial Planning webpage. Contact schools that you intend to apply to and ask about their scholarships and financial aid programs Follow through – it is not enough to find them, you need to apply! Complete your SCHOLARSHIP RESUME and hand it in at the end of the presentation (or later at Guidance, but don’t forget) This can also serve as an outline for scholarship applications.
When do I start? RIGHT AWAY Remember that there are scholarships available for many different things – do your research! Check regularly to see if anything has changed
What do I need to do? DID I SAY RESEARCH?!! Apply to any scholarship that you think fits for you. Be sure to do EVERYTHING that is asked on the application. Write in complete sentences, unless otherwise instructed. PROOFREAD CAREFULLY. Collect all necessary information, including any reference letters required. Send it off BEFORE the due date. Don’t leave it to the last minute.
Who can help? Guidance Department : WILL gather some resources. WILL give suggestions. WILL collect names for awards that require school nomination. WILL NOT get you a scholarship! YOU are responsible for finding and applying to suitable scholarships.
Financial Planning Use the sample budget sheets found on the Internet (for example on the Get Smarter About Money website). Ask your parents how much they can afford right now, so that you are aware of how much you need to finance for yourself. Apply to OSAP – it is more streamlined than ever. There is an “Estimator” that you can use to estimate the amount you might be eligible to receive. Search post-secondary websites for information about ALL costs to ensure that you have enough money for the full year.
Sources of Money for your Education Part-time and summer jobs Family contributions Scholarships and Awards Bursaries OSAP Ontario Student Assistance Program Student Loans from Financial Institutions
Good luck in your Scholarship Research and Financial Planning!