Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities Time Use for Men and Women in Norway: Data, changes, reasons and challenges Lisbon, 25.1.2016 Liss Schanke Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities
Data regarding time use Statistical Bureau : studies 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 Part of European HETUS database re. time use by statistical bureaus in 15 European countries, last joint analysis 2007 Portugal not part of HETUS database Key issues: personal care, employment, domestic/care, leisure Advantage of HETUS Comparative data, updating , analysis in English Mainstreamed, not a project depending on funding
Main changes in Norway 1970- 2010 More leisure, less domestic work and care for both m/w Women still most of the domestic work, but changing Women 2 hours less than in 1971, men 45 min. more Domestic work increasing for men - in all ages Differences m/w re. domestic work and leisure decreasing Example: differences Spain -Norway 2007 – per day: Domestic: S. women 2.34 h. more than men, N 1.36 Leisure: S. men 1.25 h. more than women, N 0.25.
Possible reasons for change in Norway High paid employment for both men/w reduces differences? Paid domestic help contributes to conserve gender differences? 20 years of paternal leave in N. changes habits/expectations/ideals? General belief that «equality pays» for families and nation helps? Possible present challenges Increasing unemployment High immigration – more paid domestic help Conservative political trend, e.g. discussion regarding paternal leave
Available information – in English HETUS Statistical Bureau Norway