Innovation North-Side Neighborhood Access Feasibility Study County of Fairfax, Virginia Innovation North-Side Neighborhood Access Feasibility Study Lauren Delmare, P.E. Transportation Planner Fairfax County Department of Transportation June 29, 2017
Study Location Innovation Center Station and North Kiss & Ride Farougi Court Apgar Place Department of Transportation
Station Plans Department of Transportation
Existing Conditions Dry Pond Farougi Court Creek Cricket Field Creek Apgar Place Department of Transportation
Existing Conditions – Path West of Apgar Pl Department of Transportation
Existing Conditions – Farougi Ct Cul-de-sac Department of Transportation
Existing Conditions – Cricket Field Department of Transportation
Existing Conditions – Greene Dr Cul-de-sac Department of Transportation
Existing Conditions – Walking Route 2 to 3 miles to Innovation Center Metro station entrance (future Horse Pen Rd path would reduce second route to about 1.6 miles) Department of Transportation
Proposed Shared-Use Path Department of Transportation
All Alternatives 10-ft shared-use path designed for bicycle and pedestrian use Shared-use path connection from future Innovation Center Metrorail Station north-side Kiss & Ride to: Farougi Court (Reflection Homes Single-Family Homes) and Apgar Place (Reflection Homes Townhomes) Can be “mixed and matched” – for instance, the eastern segment of Alternative A can be combined with the western segment of Alternative C. Leave adequate width for future improvement of Greene Drive Department of Transportation
Alternative A Department of Transportation
Alternative A Direct access to station, shortest route 0.34 mi to Apgar Pl, ~ 7 min walk 0.26 mi to Farougi Ct, ~ 5 min walk Connects via North/West side of field Impacts Metro Station facility Two large bridges span the floodplains provides more reliability during inclement weather Cost estimate: $6.6 million Department of Transportation
Alternative B Department of Transportation
Alternative B Direct access to station, slightly longer route than Alternative A 0.35 mi to Apgar Pl, ~ 7 min walk 0.30 mi to Farougi Ct, ~ 5 min walk Connects via South/East side of field Impacts Metro Station facility Two large bridges span the floodplains provides more reliability during inclement weather Cost estimate: $6.6 million Department of Transportation
Alternative C Department of Transportation
Alternative C Utilizes future sidewalk connection on Innovation Ave Department of Transportation
Alternative C Indirect access to station, longest route 0.49 mi to Apgar Pl, ~ 10 min walk 0.41 mi to Farougi Ct, ~ 8 min walk Connects via North/West side of field, could use Alt B route (South/East side of field) No impacts to Metro Station facility One short bridge and use of Innovation Ave culvert to cross streams reduced reliability at short bridge between Farougi Ct and Apgar Pl during inclement weather Cost estimate: $1.6 million, least expensive Department of Transportation
Alternatives Evaluation Department of Transportation
Residential Parking Impacts Residential Permit Parking District (RPPD) can prohibit parking for non-residents. Apgar Place and surrounding Reflection Homes Townhomes streets are private streets, therefore not eligible for RPPD Farougi Court and some surrounding streets (Whisonant Court, Herman Court, Seaman Court, and a portion of Maleady Drive) are public streets which appear to meet RPPD requirements for distance and 100 contiguous spaces RPPD can be initiated in advance of station and path opening since these projects are planned Department of Transportation
Residential Permit Parking District The procedures for establishing a Residential Parking Permit District are: A request is made to the district supervisor by the HOA and forwarded to FCDOT FCDOT reviews road documenting eligibility for restriction and conducts field review if required Petition forms and map are issued by FCDOT if eligible The community gathers signatures verifying at least 60% support for the proposed area and more than 50% support along each block face Fee of $10 per petitioning address and completed petition are returned to supervisor The district supervisor forwards the petition to FCDOT for review The district supervisor forwards fee to FCDOT if petition meets requirements The Board of Supervisors conducts a public hearing and approves proposed parking district FCDOT installs "No Parking Except by Permit" on all affected roads For more information, visit: Department of Transportation
Questions? For additional questions/comments, please visit our website: innovationstationpath.htm Department of Transportation