May 27- Class Trip @ Van Saun Park (Parents are invited) May 30-31: No Important Days: May 12- Walk-A- Thon May 27- Class Trip @ Van Saun Park (Parents are invited) May 30-31: No school !! Things to bring in for unit: *Small size balls *Wiffle ball *Old White Sock *marble *Golf ball (3) *ping-pong balls This month we are beginning a unit of study about balls – the different kinds of balls, how people use balls, what they are made of, what is inside them, how high they can bounce, and their uses. Giving Tree: *Tissues *Rice *Finer paint *Vinegar (1) *Tempera paint *Borax (!) *Shaving Cream *Goggly eyes *Tupperware for edibles *plain small plates