e-Infrastructures in Algeria


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Presentation transcript:

e-Infrastructures in Algeria Aouaouche El-Maouhab Division RESEAUX CERIST elmaouhab@wissal.dz "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

e-Infrastructures ARN Algerian Research Network & dz-Grid National Initiative GRID "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 ARN Infrastructure "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 ARN - Objectives Provide to scientific community : Communication infrastructure Technological infrastructure for : E-library E-learning GRID "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 ARN - Connectivity National backbone based on 4 PoPs actually and 10 PoPs at the end of this year International Connectivity through : GEANT (European Research Network) with 155 Mbps through EC EUMEDCONNECT2 project (May 2005) Internet commodity with 622 Mbps through commercial Provider (May 2010) "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 ARN Action plan (2010) Upgrade ARN Backbone with GE links Upgrade international connectivity to GE link Upgrade 30 Universities to FE (100M) Upgrade all others (50) universities centers, research centers and high schools to FE (10M) "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 INTERNET ARN Map MESRS,DGRSDT,UMBB, UNIV. ALGER (Ben-Aknoun1, Ben-Aknoun2, Bouzareah, Beni-Messous, Dely-Brahim, Maherzi,Kharrouba,Dergana), ENTP, USTHB, ENP,ESI, ENV,ENTP,ENSH,INA,EPAU,ISMAL,INPS,INC,ESC,ENS(KOUBA), ENS(BOUZAREAH),CERIST,CDTA,CDER,CSC,CRSTDLA,CREAD,CRAPC,UDTS,UDES ANDRU,ANVREDET,UFC STM4 GEANT2 STM1 U. Constantine, U. Emir AEK, ENS, CRBiotech., Bejaia U. ES-SENIA,USTO,ENSET,CRASC ANDRS,IGMO El-Tarf Mila Guelma Mostaganem Bordj Bou Arreridj Oum-El-Bouaghi Tissemsilt Sidi Bel Abbes (U. Biskra,CRSTRA) (U. Ghardaia, URAER) Adrar (U. Adrar, UEES) Lien GE Tamanrasset STM4 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 STM1 FE 100M FE 10M

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 ARN - Architecure "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

ARN available services IPv4 network NOC handling Visioconferencing and streaming Support for technical teams of connected institutions CERT-ARN : informations, alerts, advices and handling GRID (new service) "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 ARN planned services IPv6 network IP mpls network VoIP Intra ARN pilote service for virtual library and e-learning (very soon) "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 Staffing structure The staff involved in ARN are concerned by 3 levels : Level 1 : operational NOC handling new connections and technical daily problems happening Level 2 : development of services (mail, web, dns, …) development of informational services (portal, research engines, …) R&D projects which concern essentially the virtual library and e-learning solutions "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 Staffing structure The staff involved in ARN is organized in 3 levels : Level 3 concerns : design of the network management of the network introduction of new servics (mpls,multicast, IPv6, QoS) R&D projects which concern management and advanced topics for networks "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

Dz-Grid infrastructure "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 Dz-Grid - Objectives Provide to e-Science communities a plate-form for developing activities which need resources for calculate and storage Create un set of Grid resources “clusters” on ARN Network Provide service to users for porting, deploying and submitting their applications "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 Dz-Grid Action Plan Deploy and maintain clusters Identify users and applications (research centers & universities) Training users and give support Create the “DZ-eScience CA” certification authority for Grid users and servers certificates "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

GRID users survey (March 2006) "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 Clusters SL Glite Processors DZ-01-ARN 5.4 3.2 64bits DZ-02-ARN 4.8 3.1 32bits DZ-03-ARN 4.8 3.1 32bits DZ-04-ARN 5.4 3.2 64bits Installed during Algiers School: DZ-01-ARN (upgraded from Glite 3.1 to 3.2) DZ-04-ARN (new cluster at Univ. of Setif installed with Glite 3.2) "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 Services Each cluster: CE, SE, WNs New services (installed during Algiers school): Two new UIs WMS + LB + Top BDII LFC GSTAT (gstat.eumedgrid.eu + gstat1.africa-grid.org) VOMS "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

Supported applications Applications using : Fortran (intel64) Scilab Gamess (soon) Matlab (soon) "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 Plan for next weeks Upgrading cluster DZ-01-ARN with 5 new WNs Moving DZ-02-ARN to 64 bits machines Creating national VOs (using VOMS installed during Algiers school) Accreditation of DZ-eScience CA "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

Participation to EC Projects (FP7) Research Networks : EUMEDCONNECT2 GRID EUMEDGrid-support & EPIKH "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

"e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010 EUMEDCONNECT2 "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

EUMEDGRID-Support infrastructure RomaTre GARR TUBITAK ULAKBIM GRNET COMETA HIAST CERIST UoM CYNET CCK JUNET PALESTINE CNRST EUN 20 sites (15 operational today) in 13 countries ERI U.A.E. "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010

EUMEDGrid-support & EPIKH "e-Infrastructure for e-Science" EPIKH Workshop Algiers, 15 July 2010