European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) in EU funded projects Ms Ildikó Mázár Deputy Secretary General, EDEN eLene2learn Final Conference, 10 October 2014, Barcelona
The largest active and developing professional community of researchers & practitioners of open, distance and e-learning in Europe The most comprehensive European not-for-profit non-governmental association of its kind, established in 1991 Registered in the UK, Secretariat in Hungary since 1997 Open for all levels and sectors of education and training, institutions, individuals and networks alike Platform for professional collaboration via its services, conferences and EU project participation Members Institutions – Individuals – Networks 200 institutional members 1100 members in NAP: Network of Academics and Professionals – meeting and communication forum 30 European or national networks present in membership 400+ institutions represented from 60 countries within and outside of Europe Partnerships Traditional and open universities, colleges National associations and bodies Researchers of open, flexible, distance and e-learning School level education – the “Open Classroom” initiative Vocational training The corporate sector
STAY IN Student guidance at university for inclusion LLP 01 Oct 2012 – 30 Sep 2014 Targeting students in higher education Aims to decrease drop outs by providing a comprehensive on-going (personalised) guidance service, including e-guidance (methods, tools, platform) URL: Guidance services at university are generally focused on access (learning guidance), and exit (placement, career services). Support for students during their studies is less well-addressed.
DigiSkills LLP 01 Dec 2012 – 30 Nov 2015 Targeting schools / universities / adult trainers Aims to collect and further develop content, services, pedagogies and best practices for lifelong learning, formulating specific scenarios of use and evaluate their impact URL:
Open Discovery Space CIP-ICT PSP 01 Apr 2012 – 31 Mar 2015 Targeting teachers, parents, technology and content providers, policy makers Aims to provide a social community that is also an eLearning resource repository; ‘teaches’ the production / repurposing of content and activities; assess the impact of the new educational activities. URL:
LeHo Learning at Home and in the Hospital LLP 01 Jan 2014 – 31 Dec 2016 Targeting children and youngsters with medical issues, their teachers, medical staff and decision makers Aims to explore and design innovative ICT-based solutions enabling access to campus education from the distance, verify ICT impact on methodology and pedagogy in HHE URL: The aims of this project are to: outline key educational factors and good practices needed by students who are ill; explore and design ICT-based solutions which will enable children in hospital, receiving home therapy, or who attend school part-time due to illness, to access education; verify how technology can impact on the methodology and pedagogy in Home and Hospital Education (HHE).
ProM Building Skills for Educational Mobility LLP 01 Oct 2012 – 31 Oct 2014 Targeting mobility project managers Aims to provide a comprehensive professional e-training programme to support the planning and implementation of mobility initiatives (exchanges, work placements and ICT partnerships) URL:
VM-PASS Implementing Recognition of Virtual mobility and OER-Learning Through a Learning Passport LLP 01 Oct 2013 – 31 Dec 2015 Targeting HE institutions and students Aims to make non-formal learning, increase the volume of students taking advantage of VM learning pathways URL:
E-SOLVE E-learning SOLutions for VEt LLP 01 Oct 2013 – 30 Nov 2014 Targeting e-learning providers and (mainly) VET stakeholders throughout Europe Aims to distil knowledge from past LdV projects, select and disseminate (50) sectoral best practices URL:
More information on EDEN, its services and projects: