Point of View Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Review


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Presentation transcript:

Point of View Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 5 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: express, fact, opinion Grammar Workbook: ACELA1478 Use quotation marks in dialogue. p. 1 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Use verbs of different types. p. 2 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words Selection from ACELY1675 Explain how point of view changes a story. ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELY1675 Explain how point of view changes a story. ACELY1680 Make inferences. Term 3 book p. 75 ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 1-2 ACELY1675 Explain how point of view changes a story. (continued) ACELY1680 Make predictions. p. 71 ACELY1679 Analyse illustrations. p. 62 pp. 3-4 ACELA1483 Describe the relationship between the characters and an illustration. p. 68 pp. 5-6

Cultural Traditions Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 5 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: purpose Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Form and use simple tense verbs. p. 3 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1480 Identify and use contractions. p. 7 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words Selection from ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. p. 5 ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences p. 6 p. 4 Selection from ACELY1675 Explain how point of view changes a story. Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. ACELY1680 Make inferences. Term 3 book p. 76 ACELY1682 Plan persuasive text. p. 31 ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 7-8 ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. (continued) ACELT1599 Describe how setting influences the mood. p. 47 ACELY1675 Explain how point of view changes a story. ACELY1682 Write persuasive text. p. 38 pp. 9-10

Quiz 1 Improving a Narrative Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 5 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: express Grammar Workbook: ACELT1682 Write compound sentences. p. 8 Grammar Workbook: ACELT1682 Identify complex sentences. p. 9 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words p. 5 Selection from ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from ACELY1680 Make predictions. Term 3 book p. 72 p. 6 ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1791 Improve a narrative. p. 11 ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 11-12 ACELT1791 Improve a narrative. (continued) ACELY1680 Make predictions. pp. 13-14 Quiz 1

Morality in Text Day 16 Day 17 Day 18 Day 19 Day 20 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: point of view, persuade, variety Grammar Workbook: ACELY1682 Write complex sentences. p. 10 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1481 Use correct subject-verb agreement. pp. 13-14 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words p. 7 ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text. p. 15 p. 8 Selection from ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. p. 9 p. 16 Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1791 Improve a narrative. (continued) p. 11 ACELY1680 Make inferences. Term 3 book p. 76 ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 15-16 ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text. ACELY1675 Explain how point of view changes a story. p. 4 ACELT1791 Improve a narrative. p. 13 ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text. (continued) ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. pp. 17-18

Assessment 1 Assessment 1 Writing Analysing Images Day 21 Day 22 Day 25 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment 1 Writing Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Identify irregular verbs. p. 15 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1481 Identify clauses and their functions. p. 12 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words p. 9 ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text. p. 17 p. 10 Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1483 Describe how an image affects a viewer. p. 19 ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 19-20 ACELA1483 Describe how an image affects a viewer. (continued) ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text. ACELT1791 Improve a narrative. p. 14 Review Assessment Assessment 1

New Ending for Narratives Day 26 Day 27 Day 28 Day 29 Day 30 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: influence, mood Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Identify irregular verbs. p. 16 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Form and use simple tense verbs. pp. 4-6 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words p. 11 ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. p. 9 p. 12 Selection from ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text. p. 18 Lessons 100 minutes ACELT1601 Write a new ending for a narrative. p. 27 ACELA1483 Describe how an image affects a viewer. p. 23 ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 21-22 ACELT1601 Write a new ending for a narrative. (continued) ACELA1475 Recognise that stories are used to show cultural traditions. ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text.

Quiz 2 Year 4 Preview Day 31 Day 32 Day 33 Day 34 Day 35 Review Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) NAPLAN Practice Lessons Activity 6 (continued) Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: shapes, perspective Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Identify irregular verbs. p. 17 Grammar Workbook: ACELY1682 Write complex sentences. p. 11 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words p. 13 Selection from Preview Year 4 ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 35 ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. 39 p. 14 p. 41 ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1483 Describe how an image affects a viewer. p. 24 ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 23-24 Preview Year 4 ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. 37 ACELT1601 Write a new ending for a narrative. p. 31 Preview Year 4 ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. (continued) ACELT1791 Improve a narrative. pp. 25-26 Quiz 2

Year 4 Preview Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment ACELY 1710 Plan a Presentation (Writing Assessment #2) Students should be given time to practise their presentations before delivering them. Students can continue writing their text as a part of this day if needed. Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: analyse, relationship, prediction Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Identify irregular verbs. p. 18 Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Identify irregular verbs. p. 19 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words p. 15 Selection from ACELT1601 Write a new ending for a narrative. p. 32 ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. p. 16 Selection from Preview Year 4 ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. p. 47 p. 49 Lessons 100 minutes Preview Year 4 ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. p. 43 ACELT1601 Write a new ending for a narrative. ACELT1596 Describe moral decisions in text. ACELY1684 Handwriting Workbook pp. 27-28 Preview Year 4 ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. (continued) Preview Year 4 ACELA1493 Identify prepositional phrases. p. 38 Preview Year 4 ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. 41 pp. 29-30 Preview Year 4 ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. (continued) p. 45 ACELY1714 Plan persuasive text Give students the prompt for Writing Assessment #2. ACELY1714 Write persuasive text.

ACELY 1710 Deliver a Presentation (Writing Assessment #2) Day 41 Day 42 Day 43 Day 44 Day 45 Assessment Opening 5 minutes Classroom Norms (PBIS) Assessment 2 Spelling & Grammar 15 minutes Spelling Picture Dictionary: inference Grammar Workbook: ACELA1482 Identify irregular verbs. p. 20 Reading Fluency 30 minutes ACELA1486 High-Frequency Words p. 17 ACELY1680 Read book of your choosing. ACELA1486 High-Frequency Sentences Selection from Preview Year 4 ACELT1604 Explain characterisation. p. 42 p. 18 ACELY 1710 Deliver a Presentation (Writing Assessment #2) Review Lessons 100 minutes ACELA1483 Describe how an image affects a viewer. p. 25 Preview Year 4 ACELA1495 Determine the function of prepositional phrases. p. 46 ACELT1601 Write a new ending for a narrative. p. 33 Preview Year 4 ACELA1491 Explain how transitions provide sequence in text. p. 50