The Making of Georgia Standards Academic Standards for Technology Education
Since technological issues and problems have more than one available solution, decision making should reflect the values of the people and help them reach their goals.
Such decision making depends upon all citizens acquiring a basic level of technological literacy - the ability to use, manage, and understand technology. A Rationale and Structure for the Study of Technology
The Standards for Technology Education: Content for the Study of Technology (Content Standards) provides a coherent vision for what it means to be technologically literate.
The Content Standards represent a national consensus and will be a catalyst for change, bringing technological studies to the forefront of the educational reform movement. Technology for All Americans
What are Academic Standards? Academic standards specify: what students should know and be able to do what students may be asked to provide to show evidence of knowledge what level of performance are expected from students
Academic Standards Include Content Standards what students should know and be able to do Performance Standards how students will show that they are meeting a standard Proficiency Standards how well students must perform
Why are Academic Standards Necessary? Standards serve as rigorous goals for teaching and learning. High standards enables students, parents, educators, and citizens to know what students should have learned at a given point in time.
Why are State-Level Academic Standards Important? Public education is a state responsibility State superintendent and legislature must ensure that all children have equal access to high education standards Academic standards form a sound basis on which to establish the content of a statewide assessment system
Why does Georgia Need its Own Academic Standards? While educational needs may be similar among states, values differ Standards should reflect the collective values of the citizens and be tailored to prepare young people for economic opportunities that exist in Georgia, the nation, and the world
How Were the Standards Developed? Analysis of professional literature, existing state curriculum goals, national standards, and various standards documents from other states Two Focus Group meetings were conducted to ascertain standards recommendations
Development of Academic Standards Survey Instrument analysis of Focus Group recommendations instrument developed pilot testing of instrument Survey of technology educators in GA survey sent to total TE population = 549 Analysis of returned surveys = 139 identifying content & performance standards
The Results 4 Content Standards Identified 5 Performance Standards for each level (Elementary, Middle, High) identified under each Content Standard (see hand out)
Where Do We Go From Here? Teacher Needs Evaluation Criteria examples of instructional activities that would meet state standards teacher workshops on impacts of standards Evaluation Criteria specific criteria for evaluating TE programs identification of exemplary TE programs justification of quality programs for future state funding
Questions And Maybe Answers