Or how to convert your Muggle money into Wizard money Magical Maths! Or how to convert your Muggle money into Wizard money
In order to buy your Hogwarts items in Diagon Alley, you must first change your Muggle money into Wizard money at Gringott’s bank.
Wizard Money Galleons = gold Sickles = silver Knuts = bronze 1 Galleon = 17 sickles 1 Sickle = 29 knuts
Changing your Muggle money If 1 Galleon is the same as £10, how many Galleons will you get for £100? For £120? For £200? For £270? For £63?
Changing your Muggle money 1 Galleon is the same as 17 Sickles. If 1 Galleon = £10, how much is each Sickle worth (approximately)? What operation would you do? How would you use a calculator to help you find the answer? What keys would you press?
Sickles and Knuts 1 Sickle = 29 Knuts So if 1 Sickle = 60p, how much is 1 Knut worth in Muggle money? What operation do you need to use? What keys would you press on the calculator to get your answer?
Now you’ve worked out how much your money is worth, can you work out how much these magical items would cost in Muggle money?
An owl costs 12 Galleons 1 Galleon = £10 1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p
A Nimbus 2000 costs 150 Galleons 1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p
A bottle of butterbeer in The Leaky Cauldron costs 2 Sickles and 9 Knuts 1 Galleon = £10 1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p
A quill from Scrivenshafts costs 8 Sickles and 12 Knuts 1 Galleon = £10 1 Sickle = 60p 1 Knut = 2p
Now have a go at the worksheets!