OUR SCOPE OF WORK Governance of value chains, public-private interventions Governance of sustainable commodity supply Political economy of private commitments implementation Socio-environmental impacts of interventions & trade-offs Business models that deliver improved outcomes for SH & SMEs Social, economic and environmental impacts of BM & trade-offs BM that create shared value and increase value capture Identify BM arrangements that contribute to positive outcomes Responsible finance and emerging opportunities Drivers of (non)adoption of responsible finance instruments Potential of innovative finance to trigger sustainable investments Options to enhancing access to affordable finance for SH & SMEs
TEAM, PROJECTS AND GEOGRAPHIES Public-private partnerships for sustainable beef TerraCert USD 700 Thousand Oil palm adaptive landscapes OPAL USD 283 Thousand Africa-China informal resource trade ACIRT USD 530 Thousand Informal timber value chains in Uganda USD 545 Thousand 2 Governance and finance USD 300 Thousand 1 IRS 3 IRS Governing oil palm landscapes for sustainability GOLS USD 2.4 Million 1 IRS 2 NRS 1 IRS 3 IRS 4 NRS Future scenarios of oil palm development USD 60 Thousand Fire and Haze II USD 413 Thousand Forests in the global bioeconomy USD 1.2 Million Corporate commitments to sustainability USD 658 Thousand SMEs and informal sector USD 789 Thousand Core VFI team Staff from other teams contributing to VFI Associates
GOVERNANCE OF VALUE CHAINS Research priorities GOVERNANCE OF VALUE CHAINS Smallholders and informal domestic timber markets – impacts of formalization processes under FLEGT/VPA Opportunities, risks and challenges associated with the adoption of corporate pledges to zero deforestation Examining the political economy of fire and haze, and the social perceptions of causes, risks and solutions The political economy shaping implementation of private commitments to sustainability (and zero deforestation) Social and environmental impacts (direct and indirect) of zero deforestation commitments, and trade-offs Effectiveness of different public and private supply chain interventions, and potential of territorial approaches CURRENT EMERGING Links to CCAFS and FTA CCE SLF Links to
OPTIONS OF BUSINESS MODELS Research priorities OPTIONS OF BUSINESS MODELS Assessing the social and environmental impacts of business models across different economic and institutional contexts Market engagement of small-scale artisanal milling and SMEs in domestic timber markets, role of regulations Identify business models that enable inclusive formalization and enhance compliance with sustainability standards Mechanisms to enhance social learning and adaptive capacity of business models systems, and replicability Developing and testing tools for unpacking organizational and economic dynamics of business model systems and how these lead more sustainable development outcomes CURRENT EMERGING Links to FTA and PIM EGT HWB Links to
RESPONSIBLE AND INNOVATIVE FINANCE Research priorities RESPONSIBLE AND INNOVATIVE FINANCE Designing the institutional architecture of The Landscape Fund and building partnerships for establishing robust systems Developing a framework for measurement of landscape sustainability indicators and a system for verifying progress Assessing barriers and innovations for leveraging finance to support smallholder sustainable palm oil development Drivers of (non) adoption and impacts of ESG-conditional finance on the performance of value chain stakeholders Impacts of finance and investment schemes in land use, business models, livelihoods and landscape dynamics Applied research to strengthen the design, development and testing of The Landscape Fund (e.g. Fintech solutions, web- based portals, drones) to monitor LUC linked to lending CURRENT EMERGING Links to CCAFS, FTA and PIM SLF FMR Links to
Sustained policy engagement Government-driven policy dialogues Private sector initiatives Multi-stakeholder platforms CIFOR supported and other dialogues Expand our role in global debates (e.g. WEF, IF) Expand participation in regional debates (SSA, LA) CURRENT EMERGING Sustained policy engagement
Building on existing efforts Capacity development Developing future research leaders Integrating MSc and PhD students from universities A program for training Msc and PhD students in DRC Conducting gender-specific analysis and methods Gender-explicit criteria into RSPO standards Strengthening multi-stakeholder platforms Infobriefs, participation in meetings, presentations Develop guidelines and learning tools Communities of practice and learning platforms CURRENT EMERGING Building on existing efforts PARTNERS
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