Use, accuracy and How to read The Vernier Calliper Use, accuracy and How to read
Use and accuracy 1. The Vernier Calliper is a precision instrument used to measure components to a high degree of accuracy 2. It is used to measure internal and external features of a component such as overall dimensions, steps, bores, depth of holes etc. 3. Standard Vernier Callipers have an accuracy of 0.02mm, accuracy of digital Vernier Callipers is 0.01mm
Main Parts
The Scales
How to Use For external measurement open jaws and place item to be measured in between the jaws, close jaws until both just touch component then lock in position using locking screw vernier reading can now be taken
Reading the Vernier 1) First you look at the position of the Datum line in relation to the main metric scale to give whole mm reading (27.00mm) 2) Then you look at the Vernier scale To determine which line corresponds perfectly with the main scale (0.60mm) 3) The two readings are then added together to give 27.60mm
Try the examples below
The Digital Vernier The Digital Vernier Calliper operates in the same way except the reading is instant given in the form of an electronic readout.
Dial Calliper