The Enriched Model of Dementia Care Life History Work
Life History Work Finding out about the person is a non-negotiable part of enriched care planning! It is the core of delivering person-centred care. This is an accessible way for a persons who has memory problems to communicate and to ‘be themselves’ It gives other people the opportunity to possibly understand why someone is acting the way that they are.
Life History Work Life history template – this is a template to be completed and it has 4 sections Early years Middle years After retirement Now
Life History Work This should be collected from relatives, friends, visitors as well as the individual It should be sorted out for its relevance! Remember that memories are often from the heart just as much as our minds.
Life History Work Reminiscence – this is an ideal way to find out someone's life story and something we all do It can be done as a group or one to one It can give clues for significant memories It can connect with the essence of the persons, focus on retained memories and social skills Objects, sounds, pictures and activities that stimulate senses can trigger memories and facilitate communication