Chapter 10 7th Grade Health Drugs/Addiction Chapter 10 7th Grade Health
Section 1-Defintions Drug- a substance other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind. Medicine-drugs, but not all drugs are medicines. All medicines including drugs can be misused and abused. A medicine is a form of a drug. Prescription Medicine- Medicines that can be sold only with a written order from a physician. OTC- medicines that are safe enough to be taken without a written order from a physician.
Definitions-cont. Drug Misuse- taking or using medicine in a way that is not intended. Side Effect- any effect of a medicine other than the one intended. Tolerance- a condition in which a person’s body becomes used to the effect of a medicine and needs greater and greater amounts of it in order for it to be effective Drug Abuse-intentionally using drugs in a way that is unhealthy or illegal.
Marijuana & Addiction
Addiction A physical or psychological need for a drug. No timetable to tell when a person will become addicted to a drug/activity/food/etc. Once a person becomes addicted its very hard for that person to lose his or her addiction. Recivitism- 15%- meaning only 15% of people with an addiction completely rid themselves of the problem.
The Addiction Cycle Use Abuse Addiction Recovery Bottom Out
Marijuana Dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. Effects the brain of the person using the drug. THC – main chemical in marijuana Most common illegal drug in the USA. Other names- pot, weed, grass
Side Effects Short term effects- Long-term effects- memory and learning problems Distorted perception Difficulty thinking and solving problems Long-term effects- Lung disease Brain Damage Depression Can’t keep up with work or school