8th Grade: High School Course Selection Information
Timeline February 21st-24th: ONGOING: TODAY: UNTIL NEXT YEAR: Explore Career Cruising and Interests Course Selection in the Classroom (bring signed form) TODAY: UNTIL NEXT YEAR: Explore Electives and Courses Keep Grades Up THIS WEEK AND NEXT: Give Effort on State Assessments Discuss Options with Parents/Guardians Parent Meeting on Thursday night Talk to Teachers about Options
Credits At the high school, you do not simply “pass” grades anymore; you earn CREDITS. You must earn 26 credits to graduate. You will take up to 28 credits. You must earn a certain number of credits each year to move onto the next grade level. There are many required courses, and then there are elective courses (ones that you choose).
Courses for 9th grade Required for ALL: Wellness: 1/2 year, .5 credit Fitness: 1/2 year, .5 credit World Cultures: 1 credit Advisory: no credit, similar to Homeroom
Courses for 9th grade Required, but LEVELED (recommended by teachers based on ability, test scores, and efforts): Math- Intermediate Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II, or Advanced Algebra II; worth 1 credit Science- Advanced Biology or Earth & Space Science; 1 credit English- English I or Advanced English I, 1 credit NOTE: Recommendations can change if you do not continue the same path you are on.
Courses for 9th grade Elective Courses (Based on Interests): You will choose two courses. Most 9th grade elective courses are worth 1 credit. These courses carry just as much weight as your other courses and are just as important. You need to select courses that you are interested in because you will go there EVERY day for the ENTIRE year. Do not make selections based on what your friends are choosing. You may not get your first choices, so consider second choices.
Electives: As you choose your electives, keep in mind: -What are your interests? -What sorts of jobs are you interested in? -Are you planning to learn a language to prepare for college? (2+ years required at most schools) -What are you good at? -Will you be able to balance your expectations and responsibilities? **It may be helpful to take some notes today! **Use your Educational Planning Guide to help you make selections. For each pathway, there are suggestions.
Agriculture Electives If you are interested in being in FFA, you MUST be in at least one Agricultural course. Two choices as a freshman: Hand & Power Tools Elements of Agriculture
Ag Classes At Solanco HS
Elements Of Agri-Science Grades 9 Overview of all agriculture topics Includes classroom, outdoor, & shop instruction Introduction to FFA and SAE books (important for anyone interested in FFA club)
Hand And Power Tools Technology woodworking learn how to operate hand tool and the table saw safety procedures – Get Your OSHA Certification all instruction is hands on Hand And Power Tools Technology grades 9 and 10
FFA Structure Class Study FFA Activity SAE
Art Electives Drawing Design Recommendation required Still-life, portrait and figure studies, landscape, architectural interiors/exteriors Class critiques Design Basic introductory art course Sketchbooks and independent projects Drawing, painting, sculpting intro
Art Electives- Continued Ceramics Intro to ceramics materials, techniques, and aesthetics Produce sculptural and functional objects Must keep up with projects Photography Black-and-white photography Study the entire technical process, not just the art and creative side Must provide your own camera
Art Electives- Highlights from the Department Chances for awards and local, state, and national recognition Chances for scholarship National Art Honor Society Field Trips Art Renaissance Halloween Hallways
Business Electives Intro to Business Software Applications Photoshop Intro to economics, marketing, entrepreneurship, accounting, and personal finance Learn to manage checking account, use credit, file income tax returns, develop a budget, and invest Software Applications Split into two semesters: Word/Powerpoint and Excel/Access Photoshop Photo-editing software Edit scanned and digital images A lot of independent work required
Business Electives- Highlights from the Department Future Business Leaders of America- Activities in the school Local, State, National competitions Opportunity for leadership Classes that apply to various career fields
Family and Consumer Science Elective Life Skills Topics of Study: LIFE: goal setting, relationships, values, character MONEY: managing resources, credit FOOD: nutrition, meal-planning SEWING: basic machine skills, apron Good course for ANY student!
World Language Electives Spanish French You MUST take at least two years to be accepted to most 4-year schools. Some prefer 3 years. You may choose to start taking a language in 10th grade, but you limit your options in your senior year if you wait.
Why should I take French at the High School?
English owes nearly half its vocabulary to French!
The majority of French speakers today are not living in France….
Experience the l’art à noueau! Literature, art, film
An international language for the job market… European Union
Spanish Department Highlights Spanish Honor Society AP Spanish Tutoring
Music Electives Band Orchestra Must do Band Camp in the summer Marching, concert, football games Lots of fun opportunities Orchestra No auditions for strings but wind and percussion need to audition First period of the day
Music Electives, continued Chorus Last period of the day No tryouts Can do Band and Chorus Chorale auditions for 10th and above Piano Keyboarding No previous keyboarding or piano skills Work at your own pace
Technology Electives Introduction to the Technology Department Electives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybK0fnFjBLE
Technology Electives- continued CADD: Computer-Aided Drafting and Design (Brock) Learn how to use programs called SolidWorks and ArchiCAD, which are used by engineers and architects Design and draw structures You need to be able to work at a quick pace and independently. Design Engineering Formulate and design solutions to problems Electricity, basic mechanical systems Project-based
Technology Electives- continued Graphic Communications Printing methods, screen printing, editing pictures and photos on the computer, photography, printing press Computer and hands-on Project-Based Manufacturing Systems I Woodworking, Sheet Metal, Machining, Welding, and Forging Multimedia and Technology You’ll learn about: Digital Video Cameras and Tripods, Non-linear editing equipmen, Macintosh Computer Systems, iMovie, GarageBand, iPhoto, iTunes, LiveType and more Teamwork and Creativity required!
Other electives and options… Students in the Gifted Program: Gifted Explorations Gifted Applications Solanco Virtual Academy: On occasion, a student needs to take an extra course. This can be done through SVA, but students must be completely aware of the added responsibility and prepared to handle it.
Important information: No teacher requests No changing electives after the second week of school If you are recommended for an Advanced course, it is probably the best option for you! Encourage your parents to come to the meeting on Thursday evening
Questions/comments Questions for Mrs. C or the students from the high school?? Advice from the high school students…
Next steps Talk to your parents Ask questions! Review the Educational Planning Guide Read about the different pathways Start planning courses that you are interested in Make your selections and have a parent sign off on your form Be prepared to select courses in a couple of weeks!