Scheme Maturity and Self Regulation Kevin Finnegan – Regional Manager Wellington/RSE 2016 Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Conference
RSE Scheme Compliance Attributes Value proposition for workers, employers and home countries Comprehensive regime with detailed requirements Direct relationships Well resourced and supported Consequences clearly understood Obtained a level of maturity Sector ownership of standards the way forward as broader application to supply chains occurs Customer demands for ethical trading
RSE Going Forward Self assurance to be introduced where risk acceptable Accommodation and pastoral care to become self regulated Higher risk employers to be compliant or exited Actions of some putting others/sector reputation and integrity at risk New employment standards met by employers for ALL employees Sector operated assurance models and systems International brand and market awareness as ethical suppliers
RSE Contacts Kevin Finnegan – Kerri Ahomiro, Whangarei – Alex Magill, Tauranga – Dan Herlihy, Hawkes Bay – John Maxwell, Marlborough – Jessica Lemon, Dunedin –