3rd Advisory Committee Meeting Arne Gehlhaar, ISL 23/05/2012 RISING results 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting Arne Gehlhaar, ISL
3rd Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda Overview of demo cases Terminal Planning results Transport Planning results Transport Monitoring results 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Geographical Location of the Demonstrators Demonstrator Cases ARA-Ports VoyagePlan Rhine Port Flanders Weser-ARA Elbe Danube-West Danube-East 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Demonstrator Case Goals & Objectives Berth & Terminal Planning Reduce waiting times at terminals Reduce congestion Optimize terminal resource managemt. Transport Planning Optimize fleet utilisation Reduce fuel consumption Promote IWT as transport alternative Transport Monitoring Increase transparency Detect deviations earlier Increase reliability 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Berth & Terminal Planning Demonstration Partners ARA-Ports Case: Portbase – PCS for Rotterdam & Amsterdam Rhine-Port Case: CTS Container Terminal in Cologne Danube Case: Helogistics (Ports of Baja, Enns & Vukovar) Schedule / VoyagePlan Current Position Fairway conditions Berthing Plan Resource Availability Vessel Arrivals Terminal Operator IWT ETA Announcement (Berth Notification) RTA Reply (Berth Confirmation) 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Terminal Planning Results Terminal Planning Tools integrated with RIS Terminal receives ETA updates for vessels Terminals is able to plan its resources effectively Congestion situations are detected early and can be avoided 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Terminal Planning Benefits ETAs enable terminals to gain proactive knowledge of deviations from a berthing plan Berthing times can be planned more accurately and recommended berthing times can be communicated to skippers or barge operators in advance Improved and transparent transshipment status will increase the overall quality of service and allow for more predictable intermodal chains 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Transport Planning Demonstration Partners Elbe Case: Deutsche Binnenreederei AG (DBR) & Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe (SBO) Rhine-Scheldt Case: IWT operators (tbd) Fairway information Water Levels Terminal capabilities Information on possible routes and suitable vessels for a given cargo Pre- Planner Preliminary Voyage Plan 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Demonstrator Cases Details Demonstration Partners Elbe Case: Deutsche Binnenreederei AG (DBR) & Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe (SBO) Rhine-Scheldt Case: IWT operators (tbd) Fairway conditions Water Levels Lock Schedules Locks Bridges Terminals Voyage Planner Voyage Plan (ERIVOY) 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Transport Planning Results Advanced Voyage Planning with RIS information User specifies criteria for his voyage VoyagePlanner suggests optimal vessel and route Predicts time & costs Generates a detailed voyage plan containing all relevant waypoints 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Transport Planning Benefits Easily explore the possibilities IWT can offer Precise planning before and during a trip resulting in accurate voyage plan containing all relevant waypoints Suggestion of optimal vessel and optimal route Possibility to reduce fuel consumption by identifying best speed per route section 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
3rd Advisory Committee Meeting Transport Monitoring Demonstration Partners Weser-ARA Case: ACOS - Allround Container Service GmbH, Bremen Danube-West Case: ILL – Industrie Logistik Linz Danube-East Case: Helogistics (FLUVIUS, MAHART, ILL) Notices to Skipper Position (via AIS) Others... RIS-TLS Portal Transport Operator access 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
3rd Advisory Committee Meeting Transport Monitoring Demonstration Partners Weser-ARA Case: ACOS - Allround Container Service GmbH, Bremen Danube-West Case: ILL – Industrie Logistik Linz Danube-East Case: Helogistics (FLUVIUS, MAHART, ILL) Notices to Skipper Position (e.g.via AIS) Berth Managemt. Event Services Event Manage-ment Subscription Voyage Plan POS, ETA, NtS, Berth etc. Warnings & Alerts 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Transport Monitoring Results Integrated Monitoring Portal using RIS data Event visualisation & analysis Uniform Subscription management RIS standards are applied wherever possible RIS Index Waterway infrastructure Terminals Inland ECDIS charts Inland AIS data Notices to Skippers (NtS) 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
Transport Monitoring Benefits Event management allows automatic monitoring of voyages and fairway conditions Detecting deviations early will give the planner a time advantage to react Information is limited to the relevant facts Concise & up-to-date overview of the current situation regarding vessels and waterways 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
RISING Services Overview Port & Berth Planning Berthing Time Service Cargo Operation Service Cargo Data Service Vessel Operation Service Transport Planning Pre-Planning Voyage Planning On-board Support Transport Monitoring TOS Service (ETA) Position Service Water Level Service Vertical Clearance Service Lock Management Service 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting
3rd Advisory Committee Meeting Arne Gehlhaar Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics Universitätsallee 11-13 D-28359 Bremen www.rising.eu 23/05/2012 3rd Advisory Committee Meeting