Maya Collage
Mayan Pottery
These are broken pieces of pottery. More Mayan Pottery
This carving is in Copan, which is the second largest Mayan city This carving is in Copan, which is the second largest Mayan city. It had a scientific center. It is located in Western Honduras.
These are some Mayan Buildings. The one to the left is a temple.
MAIN CITIES! There was at least 100 Mayan cities
TIKAL It is in Guatemala It is the first largest city
This is in Copan This is a Pok-a-tok field. Pok-a-tok is a game they played.
How they played the game They played the game by using any body part but their hands or feet. There were two ways to win you could either get it in the hoop one time or hit more markers than the opponent.
Chichen Itza Sacred city By the Yucatan Peninsula They sacrificed humans to appease the gods
Cool stuff They were located in Central America The cities were made thousands of years ago They made pyrimids They built temples Their calendar was one of the was one of the most accurate in the ancient world