My project about the Mayas My first genius hour project. I picked it cause it interest me when I saw it on history channel
The Maya calendar The Mayan calendar ends December 21st,2012. The Maya predicted either the end of the world or a time of great change at this point.
The Maya numbers These are the Maya numbers from 0 to 24.
The Maya people skills The Mayas hade major artistic and intellectual advance skills. They even had mathematics and astronomy skills.
Pedro de Alvarado In 1523 Pedro Alvarado conquered Quiché and Cakchiquel of Guatemala.
The Maya people The past Maya people The Maya people today
Maya fire ball They used a fire ball to play the game. You had to use stick to hit the fire ball. The game is really dangerous if you get hit with the fire ball you can get burned. Its almost like the hockey we play today but in ice
The ball game a deadly sport They used a rubber ball You couldn’t touch the ball with your hands The team that wins gets treated like hero's and gets a great feast The penalty for losing was some times death or the leader of the team gets killed
Some Maya areas These are some of the Maya areas. Tiho, Izamal, Uxmal, Chichen Itza, Coba, Becan, Calakmul, El Mirador, Nakabe, Tikal, Caracol, Palenare, Piedra Negra, Yaxchilan, Dos Pilas, Copan, Kaminuljuyu, Comalcalco, Aguateca.
Chichen Itza This is how the Chichen Itza temple looks like It’s the 2nd most visited place of the Maya temples I hope I can go there when am a grownup or a kid.
The end I hoped you guys liked it. Warning : be good because in the Maya if you got in trouble or your bad you get death. I am giving credit to the books The Mayas ,and Ancient Mayas.