Advanced Environmental Management (AEM) Training Phase I Storm & Waste Water Management
Storm Water Regulated by the Clean Water Act – designed to reduce/eliminate polluted storm water runoff Permit allows the installation to discharge storm water from industrial activities into waters of Virginia Permits Individual Industrial VPDES and MS4 Phase II (Department of Environmental Quality) No UNAPPROVED discharges to the Storm Drain System. Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) covers all storm water outfalls on base, which empty into either the James River, Warwick River, Bailey Creek, Skiffes Creek, Morrison’s Creek or Eustis Lake. Evidentially all of our storm water flows into the lower James River basin which is part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) covers storm water discharges from non industrial areas. We are viewed by the VDEQ as a small municipality and as such we must develop minimum control measures and best management practices (BMPs) to reduce the amount of pollution in our storm water runoff.
VPDES (Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Permits VPDES (Virginia Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Industrial Storm water Sector Discharges Motorpools Airfield 3rd Port Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)Storm Water Management Plan Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) Special Conditions There are 6 MCMs we must comply with and report on annually to the VDEQ in our MS4 permit. 1. Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts 2. Public Involvement/Participation 3. Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination 4. Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control 5. Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and 6. Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping There are two Special Conditions in our MS4 Permit, SC 1 A TMDL Special Condition for Fecal Coliform Action Plan for the James River, Warwick River and Skiffes Creek and SC2 for a TMDL Action Plan for reducing Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Sediment from those waterways
No UNAPPROVED discharges to the storm drain system Requirements Outfall Sampling After discharge or sufficient rainfall Analysis Evidence of spills, dumping No UNAPPROVED discharges to the storm drain system Currently, we have a requirement for sampling and analysis of 19 of our 123 storm water outfalls. There are also 7 outfalls requiring quarterly visual inspections.
Drain protection is important! Best Management Practices (BMP) Ensure each vehicle has a drip pan and that pans are not allowed to overflow All washing operations must occur at an approved washing facility (2408, 2413, 836, 2702 and 2750) Ensure all possible sources of contamination are properly stored and have adequate “secondary containment” Drain protection is important! All discharges of hazardous substances or oil in the storm water from the base is a violation of our permit and subjects the installation to legal action from the VDEQ.
Typical Unpermitted Discharges Washing operations in locations other than approved washing facilities Disposal of contaminated water Processes not indentified in the permits Fuel transfers/overfill If you see any activity that could be an illegal discharge, report it immediately to the Environmental Element.
Clean Water Acts (CWA) - Felonies Criminal Provisions Clean Water Acts (CWA) - Felonies Knowingly make false statement or representation in any document filed, maintained, or used for compliance to include omission of information. Knowingly discharge, cause, or permit oil and hazardous substances in to waters, e.g. surface, ground, sanitary, storm, etc.
HRSD Industrial Wastewater Permit Bi-monthly sampling requirements Regulates any discharges from activities that discharge into the sanitary sewer Discharges must be reported Requires BMPs Secondary containment Spill kits Drain covers Good Housekeeping Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) permit allows certain types of discharges, based on our activities and processes. Along with bi-monthly sampling, HRSD performs semi-annual week long testing of our waste water discharges to ensure compliance with our permit.
Oil/Water Separators Used to separate a small amount of oil from a larger volume of water Degreasers prohibited Check storage tank routinely to determine level and pumping requirements Don’t use as a dumping spot Used oil should be properly disposed