mONDAY 1/23 Journal: Tell me about what has happened so far in the play! Use details as best you can!
Announcements: Today is poem in your pocket day! Tomorrow is whacky sock day! Anyone have any poems they’d like to share? My Poem—anything by John Keats
Headed into “Versions of reality” What does that mean?
On the docket: Psychology Article Another word cloud Another Gallery Walk Many class discussions/possible socratic
Hip Hop and Shakespeare
1. At least 8 lines 2. You can work in groups (3 at the most) 3 1. At least 8 lines 2. You can work in groups (3 at the most) 3. On Macbeth so far
No journals Take out rap/questions from yesterday. Tuesday 1/24/17 Materials: Paper from yesterday & Writing utensil
Vocabulary List 12
chastise Verb To criticize severely; to discipline My mother chastised me for getting a referral at school the other day.
plight Noun A condition or situation, especially an unfavorable one The plight of the homeless is being discussed in many cities in an effort to provide solutions.
withered Verb To shrivel, or decay After two weeks with no water, the plants had withered and died.
condemn Verb To pronounce to be guilty; to judge to be unfit; to declare incurable The judge condemned the guilty party to life imprisonment for the murder.
augment Verb To make larger; to raise A microscope augments the view of microorganisms, so that we can see them clearly.
predominant Adjective (predominance – noun) Having power, authority, or influence over others The predominant authority in the United States is the President; in England, however, it’s the Prime Minister.
provoke Verb To enrage or anger; to call forth The Japanese provoked the United States to join in World War 2 after attacking Pearl Harbor.
quenched Verb To satisfy; to put out or extinguish; to subdue or destroy; He quenched his desire to race cars by going to the Richard Petty Driving Experience.
laudable Adjective Deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable A laudable attempt was made to keep the education department from party politics.
resolute Adjective Firmly resolved or determined; set in purpose or opinion. Abby made a resolute decision to move forward with her plans to become a doctor..
Wed. 1/25/17 journal: Do you think that Macbeth is insane– or do you think he is an opportunist? Hint: An opportunist is a person who takes advantage of opportunity in order to get ahead.
Thursday 1/26/17 Journal: Between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth– who is more morally flawed/who is the worse person? Explain.
Agenda: Journal/Discussion Watch the dinner scene. Read the dinner scene in the textbook. TDQ/ACE QUestion
Thursday we watched the film from 57:00-The end of the dinner scene.
After dinner scene: Honors 1. In the film and the play, Banquo was supposed to be sitting at the table with them. He had to “ride off” but got killed in the process. When Macbeth comes back to the dinner table to eat with his friends– they leave an empty seat for Banquo in honor of him. Macbeth does this with the knowledge that he is dead. This empty chair eventually becomes where Macbeth hallucinates the ghost of Banquo… how could that empty chair be a symbolic representation of what is going on in the play at this point? Explain using details and quotes from the text. ACE!
After dinner scene: Standard 1. In the film and the play, Banquo was supposed to be sitting at the table with them. He had to “ride off” but got killed in the process. When Macbeth comes back to the dinner table to eat with his friends– they leave an empty seat for Banquo in honor of him. Macbeth does this with the knowledge that he is dead. This empty chair eventually becomes where Macbeth hallucinates the ghost of Banquo… how could that empty chair be a symbolic representation of what is going on with Macbeth’s sanity? Explain using details and quotes from the text. ACE!
Friday 1/27/17 Students were given time to finish either their ACE question from Thursday, their vocab sentences, or their yellow/white worksheets.