Plot scale processes Jan Vanderborght: Soil Physics, modelling in terrestrial systems Nicolas Brüggemann: Stable Isotopes Mathieu Javaux: Soil Physics, modelling soil-root interactions Harry Vereecken: Hydrogeophysics and modelling Jan Van der Kruk: Geophysics
Sources and isotopic signatures of transpiration Source: Yakir & Sternberg, Oecologia 123, 297–311, 2000. Source: Pate and Dawson, Agroforestry Systems, 45 245–275, 1999. General pattern: Soil evaporation is isotopically much more depleted than transpiration; hence, a differentiation is possible Isotopic signature of transpiration water equals that of stem (=xylem) & source water at isotopic equilibrium Questions: How do the different sources of plant water (surface water/precipitation, deep water/groundwater) shift with changing environmental conditions? How does water stress affect the isotopic enrichment of leaf water?
Experimental approach for water isotopes Profile measurements of water vapor and its isotopic composition (δ18O, δD) in air and soil Plot analysis of the isotopic composition of the air water vapour source Determination of the isotopic composition of soil water with high time resolution Modified from Campbell TGA100A manual Gaspermeable tubing
Combination of ground-based remote sensing, geophysics, flux measurements, soil moisture sensor networks 13.5 m TDR Trench Temperature, soil water content, CO2, Matric potential L-Band Radiometer (soil moisture) EC Station (CO2 & H2O) ERT (soil moisture) IR camera (canopy T) climatic station H2O isotope analyzer Field scanner (GPR, IR-Sensor,soil roughness)
Research Questions Relation between soil water content and water stress. Interpretation of isotope measurements to detect (water) stresses, investigate water uptake, and water transport in plants. Approach: Combination of different methods to observe the system geophysical methods subsurface water content distributions ground based remote sensors canopy status isotope techniques characterization of plant water sources, plant water uptake, differentiation between evaporation and transpiration, plant water stress Mechanistic soil-plant-atmosphere models link different data sources.
Model components Observations Canopy surface temperature (IR camera) Energy balance Photosynthesis Root water uptake, stomatal conductance, transpiration 18O, D Soil water content (3D) (TDR, ERT, GPR) Root water uptake Soil water flow
Objectives for first period Relations between d18O and dD in transpiration fluxes and water stress Integrated monitoring of different variables (soil moisture, canopy temperature) Integration of data using modelling Identification of advantegeous plant properties to avoid water stress using modelling: root architecture, root growth parameters, water use efficiency