The GreenFaith Certification Program Presenters: Stacey Kennealy Rev. Fletcher Harper Mark NIederman
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On Today’s Agenda Welcome and introductions The GreenFaith Certification Program requirements and resources The story of Temple Beth Rishon Questions
Welcome! GreenFaith’s Executive Director Rev. Fletcher Harper Green Team Leader Temple Beth Rishon Mark Niederman Certification Program Director Stacey Kennealy
What is the Certification Program? 2 year leadership program Roadmap & structure for religious-environmental leadership
What are the Benefits of the Program? Support and Guidance: Structure, resources, one-on-one support, an engaged community Member Engagement: "Participation in the GreenFaith program has opened up to us a whole new way of expressing our commitment to service and our sense of responsibility to our community and the world. In this way, the program has truly transformed our community not only physically but spiritually as well.". Rabbi Barry Dov Katz, Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale Savings: $6,000 to $40,000 Achieving More: “The possibilities for collaboration and inspiration make GreenFaith an essential partner.” Mark Niederman, Green Team Leader, Temple Beth Rishon
What’s Required of Participants: Holistic Actions Greening consumption is important, but not enough. The Certification Program does more: Process steps Spirit Stewardship Justice Communications
What’s Required of Participants: Process Steps Mission Statement Audits Action Plan Communications Plan Progress report every 6 months
What’s Required of Participants: Spirit Worship 3 eco-themed worship services per year Religious Education 3 classes per year for adults 3 classes per year for teenagers 3 classes per year for children Intro education for ordained leader (webinar counts) Spirituality Encouragement from ordained leader to spend time outdoors One interfaith religious-environmental activity per year One intergenerational program per year
Worship Examples
Religious Education Examples
Spirituality Examples
What’s Required of Participants: Stewardship Energy Transportation Food Water Waste Toxics Grounds Maintenance Guidelines: Must choose from all 7 areas, both action and education, 25 initiatives in total * Credit provided for some past action steps
Stewardship Examples-Action
Stewardship Examples-Education
What’s Required of Participants: Justice Environmental Justice Education 3 education programs over the two years Building Relationships with EJ Leaders At least 1 meeting per year with an EJ leader Advocating for EJ Participation in 1 regional EJ issue per year Participation in 1 international EJ issue per year
Justice Examples “Because we were working on the EJ requirement for the GreenFaith Certification Program, we recognized the need for a community forum to openly discuss concerns around the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, and to highlight why many of us in the faith community care about its potential effects. ‘Pipeline and Pie’ will be held shortly before the State Department comes out to hear Nebraskans testify about the proposed pipeline.” -Deacon Betsy Bennet, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Nebraska
What’s Required of Participants: Communications Internal Communications Eco-tips in newsletter Eco-theological reflections in newsletter 4 newsletter articles per year External Communications List of local & regional media contacts 4 press releases per year
Resources Provided Over 200 Catalogued Resources in Password-Protected Website Webinars Getting Started, Biblical and Theological Foundations, Spirit, Stewardship, Justice, Sharing our Stories Virtual Community—Facebook & One-on-one E-mail and Telephone Support from GreenFaith Mentors & Staff
Application Requirements Formation of Green Team Green Team Commitment Form Governing Board Resolution Public Spoken and Written Commitment by Ordained Leader Application Form Tuition Assistance form (Episcopal churches only) Next application deadline: December 1st. Application available at: Tuition assistance form for Episcopal churches available at: under ‘Programs’, then ‘Denominational Partnerships’
Fee Structure Budget Size Regular Tuition Fee Tuition Fee: 50% Assistance Tuition Fee: 15% Assistance $500,000 or less $600 $300 $425 $500,000 to $1 million $1000 $500 $850 $1 million and up $1500 $750 $1275 Episcopal churches: 30 @ 50% Franciscan Catholic parishes: 5 @ 50% Conservative synagogues: 4/year @ 50%; 5/year @ 15% Reconstructionist synagogues: 3/year @ 50% Reform synagogues: 8 full tuition subsidies ELCA congregations: 20 @ 50% Hindu temples: 5 @ 50%
Questions & Reminders Application available at: Tuition assistance form for Episcopal churches available at: under ‘Programs’ and ‘Denominational Partnerships’ Questions? Contact Stacey at