Developing a Low Level IFR Helicopter Infrastructure Developing a Low Level IFR Helicopter Infrastructure. Maryland State Police Aviation Command
Introduction Mike DeRuggiero 30 years w/MSPAC - Airplane/Helicopter Pilot: 28 years as a Trooper Pilot 2 years as a Civilian Pilot Safety Management Pilot – MSPAC Working w/FAA on developing a “Low Level Helicopter Infrastructure.”
Objective To encourage and provide support for the development of WAAS LPV IAPs (w/Decision Altitudes < 250 feet agl.) and Departure Procedures (DPs) at the airports within (and surrounding) the State of Maryland…
MSPAC - Brief History Established November 1, 1960 Partnered with R. Adams Cowley in 1970 First Civilian Medevac on March 19, 1970 Fleet upgrade to AS-365 (Dauphin) in the late 1980s Fleet upgrade to AW-139: Began June 2013 Completed December 2014 Over 142,000 patients transported since 1970 Nine fallen heroes…
Command Personnel 7 sections $35 million annual budget 130 Flight crew 27 maintenance personnel 7 sections $35 million annual budget 10 AW-139 Helicopters 2 Fixed-Wing King Air B350 Cessna P-210
Mission Profile… Helicopter Air Ambulance Transports (Medevacs): Scene Inter Hospital Search & Rescue: Hoisting Law Enforcement Homeland Security Disaster Assessment
2015 Mission Stats
Helicopter Sections
VFR - Weather Minimums MSPAC adheres to 14 CFR Part 135 weather minimums Day: 800’ ceiling & 2 miles visibility Night: 1000’ ceiling & 3 miles visibility There are some differences based on mission type and location.
Operations Under IFR Pilot Aircraft Instrument Trained Instrument Current Instrument Proficient Aircraft Meets FAA IFR Standards GPS Receiver Meets TSO C-129 Requirements Infrastructure GPS Approaches GPS Routes Weather Availability
IFR Requirements Receiving Hospital Helipads: w/WASS LPV SIAPs and DPs. Transferring Hospital Helipads: w/WASS LPV SIAPs and DPs. Airports (Part 139 and Non-Part 139): w/ILS and/or LPV IAPs and DPs Helicopter WASS RNP Low Altitude Route Structure to connect the dots…
IFR Requirements WAAS Localizer Performance w/Vertical Guidance (LPV). LPV approaches are operationally equivalent to ILS. LPV IAPs do not require installation of navigation infrastructure.
IFR Requirements GPS Approaches by Type (US): March 2016 4272 1773 Procedures at NON Part 139 airports Procedures at Part 139 airports Total Number of Procedures LNAV Procedures 4272 1773 6045 LNAV/VNAV 2110 1392 3502 LPV Procedures 2232 1396 3628 LPV Procedures w 200 HAT 300 642 942 LP 521 83 604
IFR Requirements Procedures at NON Part 139 airports Procedures at Part 139 airports Total Number of Procedures LNAV Procedures 4272 1773 6045 LNAV/VNAV 2110 1392 3502 LPV Procedures 2232 1396 3628 LPV Procedures w 200 HAT 300 642 942 LP 521 83 604 Over 3000 LPV approaches in use today by GA and EMS helicopter operators in the US. The FAA publishes 300 new LPV approaches per year….
Special IAPs – Hospital Helipads/LZs
Primary Hospital Resources: Maryland EMS System
Maryland Trauma and Specialty Referral Centers
Maryland Trauma and Specialty Referral Centers
Maryland Trauma and Specialty Referral Centers
Progress to Date… Cumberland Memorial (KCBE): Not an LPV… Lower MDA than current IAPs… Grant Count (W99) West Virginia Copter only RNAV. Potomac Airpark (W35) MSPAC will do the flight validation flights…
Objective To encourage and provide support for the development of WAAS LPV IAPs (w/Decision Altitudes < 250 feet agl.) and Departure Procedures (DPs) at the airports within (and surrounding) Maryland…