ILS Report By: Landon Welsh
What is an Integrated Learning System? An Integrated Learning System is a type of hardware used for education. These systems provide children with content and a type of assessments. Advantages of an ILS: -Provides remediation for students. -Motivates students to improve their performance. -Allows teachers to keep track of their students’ progress -Provides students with skills for computer literacy. Disadvantages of an ILS: -You must understand how to use technology in order to be successful with the learning systems. -They can require a lot of time, commitment and effort. -Not always completely integrated with the curriculum.
Study Island About Study Island: This is a website that includes a program geared towards each state’s standardized tests. It is offered to all 50 states. On this website there is also skills practices and assessments for all of the subjects. A great feature on this ILS is that the students are able to receive feedback very quickly, allowing them to realize what they have done correctly and incorrectly.
Successmaker psvaniturl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Epearsonschool%2Ecom%2FSuccessMaker This ILS is a program on the computer that focuses on reading instruction for grades K-8. The lessons the student complete through this program are based on their specific reading level and attempt to improve a child’s fluency, vocabulary, comprehension and more. Students will be introduced to more skills as they become more successful with the program.
Accelerated Reader Accelerated reader is a program for assessing students reading. Students must read books independently and then takes quizzes and tests based on the specific book they are reading. This program also allows for teachers to monitor how much their students are reading and also how well they are comprehending what they are reading.
Report on Study Island Recap on Study Island: This is a website that includes a program geared towards each state’s standardized tests. It is offered to all 50 states. On this website there is also skills practices and assessments for all of the subjects. A great feature on this ILS is that the students are able to receive feedback very quickly, allowing them to realize what they have done correctly and incorrectly.
Cost of Study Island Study Island costs 59$ for a year of individual access to the website. For schools, Study Island usually offers a group rate which can be found out the exact amount with a quote. Study Island programs do qualify for government funding based on certain government programs.
Reviews for Study Island "Each semester, I'll see anywhere from 12 to 15 students who change their relationship with academics because of Study Island." -Steven G., Math Teacher, North Carolina "Study Island reinforces what's being taught in class, but it approaches it in a different way. As students answer questions in Study Island, they're learning, but they feel like they're playing a video game. This promotes students' acquisition of skills while making learning interactive and fun." -Silvia A., Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, New Jersey "A key benefit of Study Island is that it makes it easy for teachers to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of each student. Students are motivated because they can learn at their own pace and receive immediate feedback." -Arturo O., Asst. Superintendent, California
Research for effective learning on Study Island Study Island has been researched a lot, and through this research has been proven to be an effective tool for students’ improvements on tests. A study showed that throughout a year, students improved their grades and understanding with the use of Study Island. “These findings indicate that educators’ use of assessment results has a unique role in the learning process. The integration of assessment results within instructional practice from start to finish reflects a multidimensional purpose for assessment and strengthens its role in understanding the effectiveness of a curriculum, the impact of specific teaching practices, or the response of specific students at the point of instruction. The use of assessment in this broader capacity can reveal, over time, the true impact of instruction through the growth in student performance on these assessments” (American Association for Higher Education, 1991).
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