Preparation of a tender and tender documents PRAG services Preparation of a tender and tender documents
Planning the tendering (1) Project Fiche!!! How detailed and rigid? What are: Objectives Activities Results
Planning the tendering (2) Useful tool – feasibility study Makes the life of CA easier Professional expertise involved Do trust but control as well!!! Is the feasibility study carried out during programming? Are the results adequate at the moment By whom? Any potential conflict of interest
Planning the tendering (3) 1. In case the feasibility study is not carried out during the programming phase – is there need (or conditionality) to do it? 2. If yes: - identify the time-schedule - identify the sources of financing (PPTMF or co-financing funds etc) 3. When feasibility study is carried out: What are the results? Is there any need to change the fiche? What could be the risks (budget limits? Competition (or lack of it)?) Feasibility study is the best way to justify the use of negotiated procedure BE AWARE OF POSSIBLE CONFLICT OF INTEREST
Planning the tendering (4) Is the time-schedule of the Project fiche adequate? Establish a procurement table in close co-operation with partners Apply early warning system in case the agreed time-schedule is not followed – helps to interfere in due time and apply necessary measures (for example: reallocate funds)
Planning the tendering (5) Recommendations: Feasibility study – when ordering services include also preparation of the tender documents in the contract Planning tendering - monthly updated procurement table
Planning the tendering (6) Think further: Design also sustainable activities into the project: Train the trainers and include the task for the consultants to establish training plan (training analysis) Insist on outcomes that can be further developed (updated) also after the end of the project (for example not hard copies of guidelines but intranet/extranet etc)
International Restricted (stage 2) (IRP) and Competitive Negotiated Procedure (CNP) Preparation of Tender Documents (incl. ToR) Invitations to short-listed candidates (IRP=4-8; CNP=at least 3) Candidates have time to compile their tenders for IRP 50 days (might be shorter when authorised), CNP 30 days
Tender Dossier preparation Who prepares the TD (incl. ToR)? TD must include information relevant for the candidates to know when submitting a bid or enter into a contract agreement When assistance involved Declaration of Objectivity and Confidentiality should be signed
Content of TD Instructions to tenderers Draft contract agreement and special conditions with annexes (templates for guarantees!) Other information (shortlist notice, administrative compliance grid, evaluation grid) Tender submission form Visual Identity Guidelines
Content of TD – price revision Prices stated in the offers are normally not subject to revision during the contract implementation, however, in case such need can be foreseen indication and method to be applied should be included in the TD
Content of TD – award criteria Most economically advantageous tender Technical criteria – based on the key experts and methodology proposed (max. points should be awarded if the requirements stated in the ToR are met) Evaluation grid included in the TD should reflect the weightings applied during the evaluation and apply to the ToR (No of experts, relevant requirements etc) Award criteria must not overlap the selection criteria – i.e no additional criteria to the tenderer can be applied Financial criteria – comparison of the financial offer with the total budget available and comparison of the fees between different financial offers
Content of TD – additional information during the procedure Any additional information provided by the CA (either on its own initiative or in response to the request of a short-listed candidate) should be sent in writing to all candidates simultaneously (cc of the letter to EC) Clarifications can be asked by the candidates up to 21 days before the deadline for submission of tenders CA must reply as soon as possible but latest 11 days before the deadline for receipt of tenders
Content of TD – Submission of tenders Tender submission form modified according to the tender – reduces risk for ill-prepared documents Clear indication of the exact deadline and place for submission of tenders Clear indication of marking the envelopes (“not to be opened…” in local language) Any infringement of the double envelope system will lead to rejection of the tender
Content of TD – draft contract with annexes Draft contract should be adjusted to the tender when preparing the TD – this enables the contractors to assess whether the contract conditions are acceptable to them There should not be any substantial changes in the contract agreement during the contracting phase Any requirement stated by the tenderer in the bid that is conflicting the draft contract conditions (i.e. payment conditions, reporting etc) should be ignored
Content of TD – Terms of Reference ToR is extremely important for the ultimate success of the project ToR must afford equal access for candidates and tenderers and not have the effect of creating unjustified obstacles to competitive tendering Prepared by the parties involved – CA and beneficiaries
Content of TD – Terms of Reference Annex B8 contains a skeleton Terms of Reference for services which indicates the minimum details to be provided within each of these headings
Content of ToR 1. Background information – country specifics in the field 2. Contract purpose and expected results 1) overall objective of the project the contract will be a part of 2) purpose – identified per project components if applicable 3) results to be achieved by the Consultant – in order of importance or in chronological order, as appropriate - achievable within the contract - clearly linked with the activities - in line with the project fiche
Content of ToR 3. Assumptions and risks 4. Scope of the work Project Fiche (logical framework) Contract and time specific Do not overlook! 4. Scope of the work Project description – max 2 pages Geographical area to be covered – which kind of areas the project covers
Content of ToR specific activities should include also reports which the Consultant must prepare in addition to regular project reporting time schedule for completion of activities sustainability and dissemination of project results clear indication for the Consultant to follow visibility guidelines clear, fair competition!
Content of ToR project management – responsibilities, contact data of the parties involved (incl. Project Manager representing the beneficiary identified), Project Manager’s authorities stated, task of the Streering Committee, necessary links with other contracts, responsibilities for providing facilities
Content of ToR Logistics and timing - (location, commencement date, period of execution) Requirements (experts, office and other facilities, equipment, incidental expenditure
Content of ToR Requirements (experts, office and other facilities, equipment, incidental expenditure