FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who are the coaches and what are their responsibilities? What are some of the expectations of the players? When will my son be able to attend tutorials? When do all of the teams practice and play? What are some important events I need to know about? How can I receive updates about Porcupine Basketball? Can my son ride home with me after the game? What is the schedule over Thanksgiving and Christmas? What does my son do if he does not come to school or has to miss practice? What happens if my son gets hurt during a game or in practice? What type of communication should I expect from the coaches? What type of communication do the coaches expect from me? What can we discuss at a meeting? How do I voice an issue or concern I am having? What can I do to help the program? What are some potential fees? What if my son wants to participate in another sport? What will my son learn as an Springtown Basketball Basketball player?
WHO ARE THE COACHES? Head Coach Ernest Mims- Varsity emims@springtownisd.net Assistant Coaches Corey Gilley- Varsity Assistant (JV) cgilley@springtownisd.net Thomas Croft Varsity Assistant (Freshman) tcroft@springtownisd.net CODE OF HONOR 1.Promote the health and safety of all student-athletes at all times. Create a safe environment. 2. Be a model of appropriate language, sportsmanship, and behavior and demand this of all team personnel. 3. Respect and dignify each student-athlete as an individual. 4. Promote among athletes and coaches a solid sense of team membership.
WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS OF THE PLAYERS? Be on time. Be of good character on the court, in the classroom, and throughout the community. Give maximum effort. Be a team player: accept your role in our program and EXCEL AT IT! Four simple rules to abide by to be a member of our basketball program. Four simple rules that you will hopefully continue to follow even after you leave us.
WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS? 1. Be on time -Consequences- Players will push towels and initial their discipline log every time they are late to a practice or team function. Our definition of on time is dressed and ready to go at the start time. 2. Be of good character on the court, in the classroom, and throughout the community. If we receive a negative report from a teacher you will be required to push towels and we will report it in the discipline log. All other character issues that arise in school, at school functions, practice, games, locker room, etc., that are not covered in our policies will be up to the coach’s discretion and dealt with in a consistent manner. Some violations may include, but are not limited to: truancy, skipping, insubordination, violence, cheating, D-halls, ISS.
WHAT ARE THE EXPECTATIONS? 3. Give maximum effort & Be a Good Teammate We want to be the hardest working team in our district, during games and practices. Consequences If we don’t give great effort in practice…….we will have additional running at the end. If we don’t give great effort in games……we will not be successful that night. If we pout about things not going our way, we will have unrealistic expectations about our basketball career and eventual careers in life. 4. Accept your role in our program and EXCEL AT IT! We will be in as good or better shape than every team we play; and we will aim to have better team chemistry than anyone we play. If a player doesn’t “buy in” to his role in our offensive and defensive philosophies……..his playing time will go down. If a player doesn’t cheer for the teammate playing ahead of or behind him on the depth chart…..he is displaying a selfish attitude which kills team chemistry, and his playing time will go down.
WHEN WILL MY SON BE ABLE TO ATTEND TUTORIALS? Tutorials will be mandatory for some student athletes that don’t keep their grades above program standard. Tutorials are NOT for completing assignments or projects that should have been done at home or during class. During a typical week during the season our (fresh/JV/Varsity) players will have the opportunity to attend after school tutorials on Wednesdays for additional instruction from their teacher(s) Academics are our number one priority, but we don’t want players missing practice because they are not taking care of their responsibilities in the classroom or at home.
PRACTICE AND GAME SCHEDULES All practice and game schedules can be found on our website. Players are required to be at practice and games on time with all of the appropriate equipment on or with them. Practice times the first two weeks may not be accurate on the website depending on volleyball’s playoff schedule. http://www.springtownisd.net/Page/6327
IMPORTANT DATES January 10th Teacher Appreciation Night January 20th Middle School Appreciation Night January 31st Spirit Night February 10th Senior Night
Search for : Springtown “porcupine” Basketball HOW CAN I RECEIVE UPDATES ABOUT SFHS BASKETBALL? FACEBOOK Search for : Springtown “porcupine” Basketball Remind 101
CAN MY SON RIDE HOME WITH ME AFTER THE GAME? All players will be required to ride the bus home from our away games. In case of emergencies players will be allowed to ride home with THEIR parent/guardian if they follow the proper procedure. No player will be released to leave with anyone else’s parent/guardian. All players are encouraged to stay through the Varsity game when we play at home.
WHAT DO PLAYERS DO IF THEY ARE GOING TO MISS? Any student athlete that will not be at practice will be required to contact one of their coaches directly before practice. You will not be allowed to send word with a teammate. Coaches’ contact information can be found on the previous slides and on our website. All players will be required to complete a practice make-up with their coach. Practice Make-ups will be completed no matter what the absence is for (funeral, sickness, etc.). This is not punishment, but necessary conditioning. Any player that has an unexcused absence will also be required to initial their discipline log.
WHAT SHOULD ATHLETES DO IF THEY GET HURT? Notify the coaching staff first. Visit our training staff before going to the doctor. Visit your doctor after speaking with our athletic training staff. All players that get held out by a doctor must provide a doctor’s note to get cleared to begin practicing again.
WHAT COMMUNICATION SHOULD I EXPECT FROM THE COACH? Coach’s Philosophy The expectation he has for your son and all the other players on the team. Location and times of all practices and games. Team requirements (fees, special equipment needed, important dates) Procedures to follow when your child is injured during participation.
WHAT COMMUNICATION DOES THE COACH EXPECT FROM ME? Concerns about your student athlete expressed directly to the coach at the appropriate time and place. Please follow the 24 hour policy and don’t attempt to talk to a coach directly following competition. Specific concerns about the coach’s expectations of your child. Notification of any schedule conflicts well in advance.
WHAT CAN WE DISCUSS AT A MEETING? Issues NOT appropriate to discuss with a coach. How much playing time athletes are getting. Team strategy. Issues or concerns about other players. Issues that are appropriate to discuss with a coach The mental and physical treatment of your child. What your child needs to improve on in basketball. Concerns about your child’s behavior. If that does not resolve the issue then you should call the coach to set up a meeting. Again, please follow the 24 Hour Policy. If we cannot come to a healthy solution to the issues or concerns you have then you can contact our Campus AD. Brian Hulett-Athletic Director bhulett@springtownisd.net
WHAT IF MY SON WANTS TO PLAY ANOTHER SPORT? DO IT!!! All athletes are encouraged to participate in any sport they are able to make at Springtown High School. Your son is welcome to work out and participate in other sports during our season whenever that participation does not conflict with his obligations in basketball. Anyone participating in basketball will be given an opportunity to try out for any sport after the completion of our season.
WHAT WILL MY SON LEARN AS AN PORCUPINE BASKETBALL PLAYER? He will learn the importance of an education. He will learn how to communicate effectively. He will learn how to be responsible for his own actions. He will learn how to treat the people around him. He will learn how to develop a strong work ethic. He will develop into a young man that is ready to compete at a high level in our society.
EXTRA INFORMATION Varsity have practices on most Saturdays and during holidays. A holiday practice schedule will be sent to the address we have on file. 2. All players will be required to wear an issued Springtown Porcupine necktie to designated games with black or khaki slacks and a black or white dress shirt.
THANK YOU FOR COMING! GO PORCUPINES! For more information please visit our website at http://www.springtownisd.net/Page/6327 For those of you interested in joining the buster club please speak with a representative following the meeting. Fall League begins Monday October 3rd @ Springtown High School. More information will come on fall league. All parents need to please verify their contact information with Coach GILLEY before they leave. GO PORCUPINES!