By:Zach Diedrich,Nicole Vankirk,and Sarah Whirlow Virginia By:Zach Diedrich,Nicole Vankirk,and Sarah Whirlow
The Virginia Company and john smith The Virginian Company asked for a charter in 1606 from the King of England, King James I. John Smith is the one who actually founded Virginia.
Corn And Tobacco Tobacco was the main source of income and most of their economy focused around that. Corn was the number 2 exporter
Mainly rich English men populated Virginia Mainly rich English men populated Virginia.Later they brought in slaves and indentured servants for cheap labor to farm the tobacco.
This flag was a playoff of the English flag, because they came from there.
Geography Virginia is located in between the hot south and the cold north. It also is located in the mountains.There are some exceptional areas for farming.
The early government was a council The early government was a council. At the head of the council was a president. government
Most everyone was Protestant Most everyone was Protestant.The first church was the Anglican Church in 1619. Religion
Their main sources of food were vegetables Their main sources of food were vegetables.They also fished and the natives taught them how to hunt. food
They did have an education system but it was not as good in the beginning because they were focused on other things like hunting and building. Education
They did not have xbox or computers for fun but what they did have was board games. They would also fish, hunt or even take a nice swim. Fun and games
Virginia was a part of the southern colonies along with Maryland, North Carolina,and Georgia. The Southern colony
Virginia was named after The Virgin Queen of England, Elizibeth. Fun Facts
After everything our colony was a success.