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First, have the author of the essay read it out loud completely, without stopping for anyone to comment or give suggestions. Next Slide Last Slide
Let’s take a look at the Introduction & Conclusion Paragraphs FIRST! Directions: Tutors, on the following two slides there will be a set of questions to ask the author of the essay. Please ask the author the following questions, one at a time. As the author of the DBQ answers, please let them know if their answer is COMPLETELY correct, PARTIALLY correct, or incorrect. If it is partially correct, or wrong, please go over the right answer before proceeding. Next Slide Last Slide
Let’s take a look at the 1. What is the formula for the INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH? ______________+_________________ + __________________ 2. Did you follow the formula above for writing your intro? 3. How did you create your thesis? Is it ONE sentence? Next Slide Last Slide
Let’s take a look at the 1. What is the formula for writing a Conclusion? ______________+_________________ + __________________ 2. Did you follow the formula above for writing your closing? 3. Did your BODY SUM-Ups list off what you talked about in your essay? Next Slide Last Slide
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Take a handout off the board that discusses tips for writing an amazing body paragraph. The tutor should read it out loud, slowly. When you are finished, have the author of the essay answer the questions on the NEXT slide (one question at a time, discussing the answer after each one) Next Slide Last Slide
1. After reading the informational sheet on writing a body paragraph, is there anything you can identify to make your essay better? Which areas can you make improvements and how? *Topic Sentence * Document Information * Proper Citation of Documents (Doc.1) * Document Analysis * Outside Information Your ratio of document information to analysis/outside information should be at least 1 document information to 2 sentences of analysis and outside information. 2. What is the ratio of your first body paragraph? 3. How about your second? Next Slide Last Slide
Check out the grading sheet (rubric) and the teacher comments on your essay. Did you address all the comments within this activity? If not, talk about some strategies for improving in these areas. Next Slide Last Slide
Do you have any questions that you want to ask your tutor before they leave you? Last chance!!! Once you are done, say then advance to the final slide! Next Slide Last Slide
If you still have questions, please feel free to ask me If you still have questions, please feel free to ask me! If you think you are ready to write your essay, come see me with all your essay materials and I will give you a blank sheet of paper to write (part or all of) your essay to increase your grade. You will need to complete the REWRITE in school during lunch, study hall or sports study hall. DUE before Friday of next week!