Project SAFE Consortium “There is a bountiful of benefits to be a part of the Project SAFE Consortium. In the slides to follow you will see all the perks that are offered. Thanks for being a part of our after school team and family!” Michael Nicholson Consortium Lead
Consortium Sites Only Assigned a SCOE Coordinator for technical assistance 4 site visits during the school year with a written report on first and fourth visit Grant Writing (State/Federal AS funds & mini grants). 33% Match Requirement for ASES sites (minus 25% facility usage). Partnership Development and Resources District trainings provided when needed on several topics Liaison between funded sites and CDE Monthly CODESP testing for staff to meet NCLB educational requirements.
Consortium Sites Only Annual After School Awards Ceremony Free professional development for all staff members throughout the year Service Learning Program Development/Regional Lead Monitoring throughout the year to ensure attendance goals are met Annual After School Modesto Nuts game free of charge (includes ticket, hot dog and drink) and is played during after school program time (starts at 3:35 p.m.) Free performances and movies at the historic State Theatre free of charge and include transportation grants
Consortium Sites Only Free after school theater performances to the Gallo Center of the Arts Free CPR/First Aid certification classes monthly Substance abuse presentations/trainings Free enrichment and academic materials/supplies at consortium meetings and raffle prizes Scheduled tours of exemplary programs within consortium Great Valley Museum membership Translation services Assistance with FPM after school compliance requirements
Consortium Sites Only Create marketing and strategic plans for sites to help boost attendance Create press releases for special events Receive bi-weekly updates Facilitates 5 consortium meetings throughout the school year (attendance required of all funded sites/districts) Help revise work plans if needed. SCOE prepares 3-year work plan for ASES renewal and handles the renewal process with CDE Submit bi-annual attendance reporting to CDE via the ASSIST system Opportunities to pilot programs offered through partners
Consortium Sites Only Fiscal: Collection of quarterly expenditure reports to ensure all funds are being spent appropriately and completely. Assistance with budget development of expenditure reports including gathering of back-up documentation. Assist with collection of documentation required for both audits and the FPM process. ALL required fiscal reports are submitted to CDE and entered in the ASSIST system. Evaluation: Compile all school’s data and ALL required reports submitted to the state. Student surveys collected and report generated.