Metaphysical Poetry Photo credit: The World Is Tired written by Annette Januzzi Wick at
Defined Metaphysical Poetry Meta = after or beyond Metaphysical = after or beyond the physical Deals with questions that can not be explained by science Highly intellectualized Strange imagery or conceits Frequent paradox Extremely complicated thoughts Photo credit:
Common Questions Does god Exist? Is there a difference between the way things appear to us and the way they really are? What is the difference between reality and perception? Is everything that happens already predetermined? If so, then is free choice non-existent? Is consciousness limited to the brain? Photo Credit:
The Poets All are witty John Donne George Herbert Richard Crashaw Andrew Marvell Henry Vaughan Metaphysical Poetry not a genre but a coined term by Samuel Johnson who lumped the 17th Century poets together. He noted the poets shared many common characteristics, especially ones of wit and elaborate style.
Characteristics Large doses of wit Examine serious questions Humorous Shocking Ordinary speech with paradoxes and puns Conceits or weird comparisons of unlikely things Common themes – religious sentiment, carpe diem (seize the day), humanity of life Make you think about both thought and feeling
All conversations about metaphysical poetry must begin with John Donne Considered the founder of metaphysical poetry Master of metaphysical conceit Poet, lawyer, priest, satirist Poetry reflects diversity Works are as religious as they funny Examined the idea of true religion Considered a womanizer even though he was religious Wrote both erotic and secular poems Cynical and ironic poetry
John Donne was born in London 1572 into a devout Roman Catholic household They suffered heavily for their loyalty to the Catholic Church He was a Catholic growing up in Protestant England during decades when anti-Roman feeling reached new heights. At some point in the 1590’s, having returned to London with travels abroad, he converted to the English church.
Samples of conceit Lovers’ eyeballs threaded on a string. A god who assaults the human Heart with a battering ram. A teardrop that encompasses and drowns the world. Photo credits:,
Your Turn Turn to your shoulder partner and come up with three conceits Remember a conceit is like a metaphor it compares two things, however the things that are being compared are unalike