CEPT HF Background monitoring (Automatic data collection in the HF range) ‘the 5th anniversary’ Update November 2012 Paul Dingenouts Radio Agency The Netherlands FM22#38 Kyiv, November 2012 18-5-2018
HF Background monitoring 1) History 2) Active administrations 3) Results Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
1) History Initiated during the meeting in Riga, September 2007; To actively use ‘unused’ equipment hours; Same principle/settings as monitoring campaigns WRC; 200 kHz span /24 hours and 10 second revisit. Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
2) Involved administrations Monitoring Austria France Germany Hungary Portugal Spain Switzerland United Kingdom Processing & Presentation The Netherlands Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (1) Data files In 2012: 1585 * 24 hour data files (1st of Oct.) Total over the years: 42 Giga byte compressed data ( > 214 Giga byte uncompressed data) Processed data (till 1st September 2012) total > 51,000 Plots on: http://apps.ero.dk/shortband/ Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (2) Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (3) Traffic/visits to http://apps.ero.dk/shortband/ Monitoring since November, 25th 2009 Total page views: 2151 Total visits: 1457 Total unique visitors: 1091 Busiest day: 29-10-2010 (79) Busiest week: Week 42 2010 (98) Busiest month: 10-2010 (217) Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (4) Months 2011 Months 2012 Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (5) Countries 2011 Countries 2012 Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (6) Traffic & countries 2012 (till 5th November 2012) Total pageviews: 370 1 Germany 74 20.00% 2 Netherlands 68 18.38% 3 USA 43 11.62% 4 Danmark 31 8.38% 5 Norway 24 6.49% 6 Switzerland 19 5.14% 7 Spain 17 4.59% 8 Portugal 15 4.05% 9 France 12 3.24% 10 United Kingdom 2.16% 11 Roemenië 1.89% Oostenrijk 1.62% 13 Slowaakse Republiek 1.35% 14 Algarije 1.08% Hongarije 16 Kroatië 0.81% Overig 0.54% 18 Griekenland 19 België 2 0.54% 20 Bulgarije 21 China 22 Zweden 23 Slovenië 24 Litouwen 25 Letland 26 Macedonië 27 Malta 28 Luxemburg 1 0.27% 29 Rusland 30 Ukraine 31 Tjechische Republiek 32 Estland 33 Ierland 34 Israel 35 Kazagstan Totaal 370 100.00% Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (7) Continents 2011 Continents 2012 Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
3) Results (8) Operating systems Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018 1 Windows 322 87.03% 2 Other 30 8.11% 3 Linux 8 2.16% 4 Apple Macintosh 7 1.89% 5 Android 0.54% 6 iPhone 0.27% Totaal 370 100.00% Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018
Agentschap Telecom 18-5-2018