Human Desire Principles
Desire Principles Human Desire or Aspiration is the genuine expression of current soul based faith, can only occur in self-aware beings, is measured by its relative harmony with God's Principles, is expressed as an intended or aspired to soul based emotional state, motivates future will based decisions, choices and actions, and differs from instinctual need Desire is driven by what the soul currently has faith in and determines what the soul desires in and for its future If will and desire are in harmony change is not possible Terms
Desire Principles Human Desire principles: Ensure all laws respond to the desire of the human Ensure all laws satisfy the desire used in harmony with God's Love and correct the desire used in disharmony Allow the potential for change, growth, development and transformation of the human soul into a Divine being with immortality by engaging Principles of Redemption and Transformation Summary
Desire Principles Gravity & aerodynamics Engaging the laws of aerodynamics was only possible for humans by someone using their desire with faith to understand the laws Desire is rewarded by knowledge being obtained Examples
Desire Principles Law of Attraction Our desire (genuine expression of soul based faith) determines what we attract now to enable change All attractions "satisfy" our current desire, even when those desires are unloving Unloving desires can be measured by the pain they create Example
Desire Principles Human hunger True hunger compared to addictive eating True hunger is an automatic animal instinct necessary for survival of the body connected to an undeveloped soul Addictive hunger is a desire to satisfy the demands of our current emotional condition (our will) Example
Desire Principles Redemption of the human soul Redemption principles operate automatically to change the will by causing the creation of pain when we sin and the release of pain when the pain becomes too intense to control within us … Example
Desire Principles Redemption cont’d Redemption principles can be engaged with desire by making a choice to emotionally engage forgiveness and repentance with faith in emotional release being of benefit, which rapidly speeds the process of redemption … Example
Desire Principles Redemption cont’d Redemption principles can be engaged with God, by sincerely desiring God's love and forgiveness (the desire is repentance), which has the added benefit of preparing the soul through prayer for the reception of God's Love and the establishment of a relationship with God Example
Desire Principles Transformation of the human soul Transformation of the human soul (into the Divine angel) is not possible without desire Desire draws transformation principles into play in laws operating upon the human soul, and desire for God also engages God's Desire to transform the human through the transmission of God's Love into the human soul Example
Desire Principles Transformation cont’d The subsequent result is not only an increasing relationship with God, but, due to the reception of God's Love, the transformation of the soul itself into a new creature with increased current capabilities and future potentials Example
Desire Principles Human Desire principles: Human Desire principles allow the potential for change, growth, development and transformation of the human soul into a Divine being with immortality Human Will principles allow the human soul to be the creation at the top of the hierarchy system, to be responsible, to govern, and be compensated and redeemed Conclusion
Desire Principles Human Desire principles: Desire is driven by what the soul currently has faith in and determines what the soul desires in and for its future If will and desire are in harmony change is not possible Conclusion
Desire Principles Humans frequently justify & minimize desires, attitudes, emotions, thoughts and actions that oppose human desire principles including: The concept that desire must be suppressed to attain spiritual enlightenment Constantly needing to be inspired … Conclusion
Desire Principles cont’d Resisting the development of my own aspirations Resisting the development of faith Remaining ignorant of my own potential Refusing to recognize and respond to my own desires (either acting upon loving desires or removing the causes of unloving desires) … Conclusion
Desire Principles cont’d Telling myself I have 'desire' for something when my actions do not reflect this desire and my will does not change, etc Conclusion
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