Wampanoag People: Community is the incentive
…the religious traditions of Indian peoples are communitarian and have no meaning outside the particular community of reference. Unlike Euro-Americans, Indian people do not choose which tribal religious traditions they will practice. Rather, each of them is born into a community and its particular ceremonial life. Indian traditions are fundamentally spatial in nature and in configuration, which makes them peculiarly difficult for temporally oriented peoples to understand. Tink Tinker, Member of Osage Nation
communitarian communitarian means relating to social organization in small cooperative, partially collectivist, communities
Spatial means relating to or occupying space
collectivism means a political or economic theory advocating collective control of a group; especially over the group’s production and distribution of goods or services In most Native American cultures, the tribal council made decisions for the tribe. It controlled the tribe’s resources and the production and distribution of the community’s goods and services.
cooperative a cooperative is an organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its goods or services
Sustainability Some Native American people consider the effect of their decisions seven generation into the future. They also emphasize the importance of sustainability in their decisions and outlook.