Warm Up Which protected right do you find most important in your own lives today? State at least 2 details supporting the protected right that you have chose.
Turn and talk with your neighbors to interpret the following quote Quote of the day!! Turn and talk with your neighbors to interpret the following quote
Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England's economic policies.
BE PREPARED TO TURN AND TALK AFTER THE VIDEO!!! Mercantilism Video Record 3 facts Record 2 opinions Record 1 question BE PREPARED TO TURN AND TALK AFTER THE VIDEO!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bouw3MvmrYM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W4e_rN15xA Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
Mercantilism-An economic theory whose goal is building a states wealth and power by increasing exports and accumulating precious metals in return. (A country builds wealth and power by building its supplies of silver and gold). Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
To achieve this, a country must export (sell to other countries) more than it imports (buys from other countries), and they will receive the supplies they need from their colonies England followed a Mercantilist policy. Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
Where would England look to get their raw materials to export Where would England look to get their raw materials to export? (The American colonies). As a class, lets make a list of the different goods England could get from the Americas that they could sell to other countries Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
The Navigation Act forced the colonists to sell their raw materials to England even if they could get a better price somewhere else. Goods bought by the colonists from other European countries first had to go to England to be taxed. As a class, lets discuss what it means to tax goods Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
After the reading you should record: The main idea of the passage As a class we will read a passage titled English Economic Policies from the textbook (page 94/95), to understand why the colonists began to resist the Navigation Act. After the reading you should record: The main idea of the passage 2 details that support the main idea Any vocabulary words you are unfamiliar with, and the context clues that helped you understand the meaning. Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
Independent Questions 1. Why did colonists begin to resist the trade laws? 2. How was the colonist’s relationship with their government in Britain beginning to change? Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
Group Work England Merchants and Colonial Merchants had two different view points on the laws enacted by England. Take on the identity of either an English Merchant or a Colonial Merchant and argue why you are for or against The Navigation Act. Cite information from their readings and the lesson in your arguments. Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
Closure What is mercantilism? What is the Navigation Act? How did it restrict trade for the colonists? Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.
Homework Write a paragraph explaining the idea of Mercantilism. Include examples of how Mercantilism related England and the American colonies. Objective- SWBAT understand how the colonists reacted to England economic policies.