Office Technology Conference 2010 E-Learning at U.Va. Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10 E-Learning at U.Va. This morning, I’m going to focus on VTC— Why??? You can get started in VTC immediately, it’s easy to use, it’s easy to navigate in VTC, it’s fun to demonstrate. IT-Academy and Skillsoft are little bit more structured. I can talk about them a little later. VTC--- VTC offers comprehensive sets of narrated tutorials (many of them award winning) on more than 700 IT courses. Courses are divided into short tutorials (3-6 min.), where the instructor explains the concept and provides visual examples. It’s easy to find a course on the VTC website—courses are grouped by category, or courses can be found by key word search. Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10 E-Learning at U.Va. For VTC: Download Apple QuickTime To play VTC courses, you will need to have QuickTime on your computer. QuickTime is a Video Player. Download it free from Apple. Some newer videos can be played using Flash. When you select a course, VTC will indicate which players can be used. Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10 Accessing VTC Register: email Include U.Va. Computing-id & Phone Nbr. Login at username= (U.Va.-id); password=training Select a Course; add to ‘My Course List.’ Contact: Jim McCormick 981-4142 Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Excel: Top Ten Tricks -by Stormy Stark 1. Text to Columns 2. The Fill Handles 3. Linking Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10 Microsoft IT Academy Access to 300+ Courses: Desktop, Server, and Developer Titles Instructors Give E-Learning Access to Students Choice of Interactive Learning Styles Reports on Student Use and Assessment Scores Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Microsoft IT Academy: E-Learning Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10 Over 3000 e-courses IT Skills and Professional Skills Courses Interactive Exercises Practice Certification Exams Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10 Contact program coordinator Margaret Reitz 924-3120, to request a consultation, a site visit or to schedule a program for your department. Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Top Ten Reasons to Use E-learning 1. Free. 2. Web-based. 3. 24/7 4. Unlimited Access. 5. Certifications. 1. Free to UVa Faculty, Staff, and Students. 2. (Web Based) view courses at your desk, at home, or on the road. 4. All VTC courses are available to you. 5. View first three chapters of any VTC course without logging in ( Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10
Top Ten Reasons to Use E-learning 6. Easy-to-follow Tutorials. 7. Self-paced. 8. Clear Graphics. 9. Exercises/Work Files. 10. No Charge 6. Courses are divided into short, comprehensive tutorials, lasting 4-6min. 7. Start/Stop anytime; skip tutorials; replay tutorials. 9. Practice files help you apply concepts shown in tutorial. Office Technology Conference: 5/26/10