Communication, control and response Nervous System Communication, control and response
Nervous System – Overview Structures Brain Spinal Cord Sensory Nerves Motor Nerves Sensory Receptors Function
Nervous System – Levels of Organization Big Organ System Nervous System Organs Brain Spinal Cord Sensory Receptors Sensory Nerves Motor Nerves Tissue/Cells Neurons Small Molecules Neurotransmitters
Nervous System - Organization Central Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Sensory Nerves “in” Motor Nerves “out” Spinal Cord Brain Brain Stem Cerebrum Cerebellum Diencephalon Somatic “voluntary” Autonomic “involuntary”
Nervous System - Pathways Sensory Receptors Sensory Nerves Brain and Spinal Cord Somatic Nerves (muscles) Motor Nerves Autonomic Nerves (glands/organs)
Brain Structure Regions of the brain Brain stem Cerebellum Diencephalon Cerebrum
Brain Regions – Brain Stem Structures Functions Midbrain Medulla Pons Controls autonomic functions respiration blood pressure heart rate Location of cranial nerves
Brain Regions – Cerebellum Structure Function Cerebellum Unconscious movement and coordination
Brain Regions – Diencephalon Structures Functions “Limbic system” Thalamus Pituitary gland Hypothalamus Amygdala Hippocampus Corpus callosum Relay center Emotions Mood Memory
Brain Regions – Cerebrum Also called cerebral hemisphere or cerebral cortex Site of conscious human behavior + thought Organized by sections/lobes Frontal Occipital Parietal Temporal
Brain Regions - Cerebrum Structure Function Frontal Lobe – association area • ‘Executive’ functions – planning + behavioral control • Emotions + personality • Speech + language Frontal lobe – motor area • Controls movement of voluntary muscles
Brain Regions - Cerebrum Structure Function Temporal Lobe • Hearing • Smell • Visual + Auditory Memory Occipital Lobe • Vision
Brain Regions - Cerebrum Structure Function Parietal Lobe– sensory area • Sensory input from skin (temp, pressure, touch, pain) Parietal Lobe– association area • Sensory elaboration • Mathematical reasoning
Brain Regions and Senses Brain areas devoted to sensory input Vestibular = balance Somatosensory = touch Olfactory = smell Gustatory = taste Auditory = sound Visual = light
Brain Regions – Motor and Sensory Cortex Motor cortex – controls voluntary muscles
Brain Regions – Motor and Sensory Cortex Somatosensory cortex – receives touch input (heat, cold, pain, light touch + pressure) Some areas require more brain than others
Brain Regions – Motor and Sensory Cortex Homunculus = ‘little man’ represents the amount of sensory brain devoted to each body part
Brain Regions
Cerebral Ventricles and Cerebrospinal Fluid Cerebrospinal fluid is secreted into the cerebral ventricles, circulated in brain and spinal cord, absorbed into the bloodstream and disposed of as waste. Functions: shock absorption and waste transport.
Gray and White Matter Gray matter made of nerve cell bodies, dendrites White matter made of axons (white because of myelin – fatty tissue – covering the axons)