Career Academies Update Shelton Cobb Secondary Programs August 18, 2016
Huntsville City Schools Career Academies Have Created Significant Interest In Career Readiness With 5,293 Students Enrolled In Career Academy Courses Academy 16-17 Enrollment Building Sciences Academy 86 Culinary Arts Academy 104 Entertainment Technology Academy (High School) 180 Entertainment Technology Academy (Middle School) 366 Esthetics & Spa Management Academy 144 Law & Public Safety Academy 71 Microsoft IT Academy 205 Precision Machine Technology Academy 102 Television Production Academy 34 Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics Academy 55 Welding Technology Academy 121 (Cnt’d)
Huntsville City Schools Career Academies Have Created Significant Interest In Career Readiness With 5,293 Students Enrolled In Career Academy Courses Academy 16-17 Enrollment Advanced Manufacturing Academy 101 Greenpower (Middle School) 51 Cyber Security Academy (High School) 245 Cyber Security (Middle School) 507 Biomedical/Health Science Academy 737 PLTW Engineering Academy (High School) 326 PLTW Engineering (Middle School) 1825
*Career Academy enrollment increased 16% in 2016-2017 Upward Enrollment Trends Show Growth In Huntsville City Schools Career Academies *Career Academy enrollment increased 16% in 2016-2017
Industry Certifications Continue To Increase, With Students/Parents Saving On Certification Voucher Fees Highlights: Cyber Security Academy Industry Recognized Certifications increased 1000% in 2015-2016 Health Science Academy Industry Recognized Certification increased 1300% in 2015-2016 Huntsville City Schools students saved over $20,000 in 2015-2016 in industry recognized certification voucher fees
Sustained Growth Is Possible With Increased Student Interest, Industry Partnerships, Industry Recognized Certifications, and Increased Academy Enrollment HCS is home to several innovative first of its kind Academies: Engineering Design & Advanced Manufacturing, Cyber Security, High Tech Security, and Transportation, Distribution & Logistics. Industry Partnerships will offer mentorship and internship opportunities for students. Partnership with SREB will foster Academy growth by connecting academics with Academies. Academies are the focal point of the high schools, with Jemison and Grissom marketing programs on the main halls of their schools. Career Planning, development of 4-year plans, iRegister, and other activities and events will continue to promote Academy opportunities to students and parents. We will continue to prepare students for Industry Certification Assessments and fund vouchers for students scoring 85% or higher on pre-assessments. Certification goals will be set for each Academy.