Shelton School District Career and Technical Education Program 31 2013-14 Annual Report Director: Pat Cusack
CTE Program Areas Business Education Family Consumer Science Over 60 different classes in: Business Education Family Consumer Science Technical Education Natural Resources Agriculture Education New Market Skills Center offers additional programs
New Market Skills Center Approx. 30 students per semester Students study in a wide variety of programs, usually something different or not offered in Shelton.
Advisory Committees A key component of all CTE programs is local and general advisory committees. In Shelton we maintain committees made up from business and industry experts, students, parents and in some cases higher education reps. Shelton S.D. is a member of the South Sound Council a 2 county consortium of CTE programs.
Enrollment District-wide over 2,300 students a day participate in CTE classes (Duplicate count) SHS = 1,481 OBJH = 772 CHOICE = 52 New Market Skills Center 30
Student FTE History 2008-09 368 2009-10 400 2010-11 400 2011-12 390 2008-09 368 2009-10 400 2010-11 400 2011-12 390 2012-13 400 2013-14 434 Sept. counts
CTE revenue sources 2013-14 State (OSPI) estimated: 2.46 million Federal (Carl D. Perkins grant) $ 38,543
Program 31 (CTE) Revenue History 2006-07 1.92 mil. 2007-08 2.20 mil. 2008-09 2.20 mil. 2009-10 2.30 mil. 2010-11 2.50 mil. 2011-12 2.40 mil. 2012-13 2.20 mil. 2013-14 2.46 mil. projected
“Value Added” CTE Programs College credit via: Tech Prep Over 900 college credits earned in 2012-13 saving thousands of dollars in tuition, books and fees. Olympic College South Puget Sound CC
Microsoft IT Academy certificates Word 184 Excel 111 PowerPoint 140 Outlook 8 $1000 scholarship award DeShon Bell Staff recognition of Doug Murray and Chris Nesmith
Business/Community Partnerships 250 local and regional organizations provide support for CTE programs. Support includes: Classroom volunteers, advisory committee members, Career EXPO participants, employers, internships, scholarships and donations.
Career Expo November 6th @ SHS Approx. 50 vendors with table displays! 8 Breakout sessions in various career pathways! Participation from SHS, Olympic College, OBJH, CHOICE and Mary M. Knight High School Students experience basic career readiness activities like; dressing for success, hand shaking, seeking career information etc. For many this is a highlight of their high school career.