Translate the phrases great readers prefer magazines to newspapers quality newspaper national and local dacha owners wide range of people newspapers and magazines articles special editions provide gossip cultural, academic and business circles daily and weekly papers available in other languages entertainment criticized by parents
Match the statement to newspapers or magazines can be daily or weekly are criticized by parents and popular among teens provide gossip about celebrities available in other languages become the main in cultural, academic and business circles give information about parties, concerts, discos and clubs contain articles about political and sports news have articles about the latest trends, fashion, music and travel have special editions for young people and dacha owners
This person would prefer ____ to ____ because she is interested in ______ and dislikes ______. Reading is not my hobby actually. But it’s always interesting to know where you can go for a weekend. So I like reading about concerts, discos and clubs. To my mind the most tiresome thing is business and politics.
These people would prefer ____ to ____ because they are interested in ______ and dislike ______. We like spending our spare time in the garden growing vegetables, fruit trees and flowers. We think that special editions for dacha owners can be very useful. In our opinion reading about private life of pop and film stars is just a waste of time.
This person would prefer ____ to ____ because he is interested in ______ and dislikes ______. I’m rather busy person – have lots of things to do and many people to meet every day. I need fast and reliable information about economical and political situation in the world. I have neither time nor wish to read gossip or trash.
This person would prefer ____ to ____ because she is interested in ______ and dislikes ______. I’m interested in fashion. I like reading about the latest trends and sales. Also I like reading different advice about clothes and hair styles. I think news and sports articles are quite boring and useless.
This person would prefer ____ to ____ because he is interested in ______ and dislikes ______. I prefer reading sports magazines and articles about healthy life style. And I hate gossip and all that stuff about cultural events it is rather needless to my mind.
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