Tomas and the Library Lady
eager If you are eager, you are very interested in doing something. We are eager to go to the zoo on Saturday. Name a word that is a synonym for eager.
finally When something finally happens, it happens last or after awhile. The sun finally came out after three days of rain. What finally happens at the end of winter?
glaring Glaring is staring in an angry way. The girl was glaring at the rude boys. Why is glaring not polite to do?
lap To lap means to drink by using the tongue. Dogs lap water from their bowls. What other animals lap water?
peeked Peeked means took a short, quick look. I peeked into the bag and saw my present. What have you peeked into at school?
thorny Something that is thorny is covered with sharp, pointy growths. Rosebushes and cactus plants are thorny. Why is it smart not to play around thorny bushes and plants?