Scott Doney, Jennie Rheuban & James Churchill Quantification of the Contribution of Wastewater Effluent to Coastal Ocean Acidification Scott Doney, Jennie Rheuban & James Churchill Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Geoff Cowles SMAST, U. Massachusetts, Dartmouth MIT Sea Grant Ocean Acidification Seminar November 2016 15 minute talk; 10 minutes for questions
Wastewater & Coastal Acidification -Buzzards Bay nitrogen loading model -Preliminary numerical modeling -Wastewater treatment & coastal water sampling
Buzzards Bay Wastewater Treatment Plants Housing units on sewer Housing units on septic Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program Sewage outfall Groundwater discharge
Buzzards Bay Wastewater Treatment Plants Housing units on sewer Housing units on septic Wareham Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program Fairhaven Sewage outfall Groundwater discharge New Bedford
Regional Nitrogen Load Model Fair-haven Wareham Nitrogen load / estuary area New Bedford Reconstruct nitrogen load to each embayment: atmospheric deposition modulated by land-use fertilizer (household & agricultural) transmission factors for different sources Williamson et al. Frontiers submitted
New Bedford & Fairhaven Wastewater Facilities MacArthur CO2 Wastewater outfalls Fairhaven New Bedford
Model Dye Tracer Experiments Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) -unstructured grid -nested in larger SE Mass model
Model Dye Tracer Experiments Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) -unstructured grid -nested in larger SE Mass model
Model Dye Tracer Experiments Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) -unstructured grid -nested in larger SE Mass model
Model Dye Tracer Experiments Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) -unstructured grid -nested in larger SE Mass model
Inorganic Nutrients Near Outfalls DIN DIP DIN vs. DIP Treatment plant Fairhaven Fairhaven New Bedford New Bedford Distance from outfall (km)
Spatial Patterns Fairhaven Outfall DIN:DIP ratio Chlorophyll (mg/m3) CO2 (ppm)
Carbonate System Seasonal Data Analysis xCO2 (ppm) Aragonite Saturation State McCorkle, Rheuban, Doney et al. in prep.
Preliminary Outfall Inorganic Carbon System Data Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Alkalinity
Wastewater & Coastal Acidification Future Work -Finish Wareham WWTF samples & wastewater treatment end members -Complete analysis & interpretation of nutrient & CO2 system field data -Add simple biogeochemistry module to coastal numerical model -Continue outreach efforts
Extra Slides
Human Nitrogen Source Trends Wastewater (septic) Fertilizer Atmospheric Deposition Wastewater (treatment plants) regional reduction in atmospheric deposition more sewering & secondary treatment reduced agriculture & animal waste Animal Waste Williamson et al. Frontiers submitted
Shellfish Suitability & Wastewater Treatment American Oyster Bay Scallop Blue Mussel European Oyster Quahog Razor clam Soft-shell clam Surf clam Fairhaven average 2.7 MGD
Carbonate System Seasonal Data Analysis McCorkle, Rheuban, Doney et al. in prep. New Bedford wastewater treatment monthly-mean minimum pH 6.1-6.4
Preliminary Instrument Preparations 5/18/2018 Refurbishing drifters In-situ datasondes Calibrating T, Salinity, DO, pH, Turbidity, Depth (photo credit: Jim Manning, NEFSC) Do we need this slide? Is there drifter data? 20 20
Preliminary Dye-Tracer Model Experiments Fairhaven Discharge meters g m-3 Ongoing work -using field data refine advection & mixing parameters -add carbonate chemistry Update?? Preliminary results (without CC) show material from the Fairhaven discharge extending over the lower inner harbor and into Buzzards Bay. Surface concentration at low tide after 24 hours for 1 kg s-1 discharge
Hydrodynamic & Carbonate System Modeling Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) -unstructured grid -nested in larger SE Mass model Fairhaven New Bedford meters The current model grid is nested in a larger (SE Mass) model and encompasses the Fairhaven and New Bedford sewage outfalls. The hydrodynamic and carbonate chemistry models will be refined and tested with existing data and measurements acquired in our 2016 & 2017 field campaigns. The carbonate chemistry model will be made publically available through the project website.
Buzzards Bay Sampling Network Buzzard Bay Coalition MacArthur CO2 WWTF outfalls
Inorganic Nutrients Near Outfalls
Outreach Efforts Buzzards Bay Coalition Discovery Center Exhibits 5/18/2018 Outreach Efforts Buzzards Bay Coalition Discovery Center Exhibits OA in a cup Take home cards highlighting OA Bringing OA into the Coalition's “Bay Adventures” 'Learn to Quahog' 'Oyster Discovery Day' 25 25