Working together – procurement and a CCG perspective Dr Barbara King, Clinical Accountable Officer
Birmingham as a case study Provider Est. total income 2015/16 HEFT 682M UHB 743M BCHC 260M BWC 351M BSMH 238M ROH 81M GP 210M Six NHS Foundation Trusts: Heart of England (HEFT) University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) Birmingham Community Healthcare (BCHC) Birmingham Women's and Children's (BWC) Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health (BSMH) Royal Orthopaedic Hospital (ROH) GP Alliance (GP) Unaligned GPs (GP) Local Authority Multiple third sector organisations, variable coverage across the city
Sustainability and Transformation Plan Community care first programme Roadmap to Multi-speciality Community Providers (MCP) Provision around ‘place’ Building on working at scale to deliver enhanced general practice Successful pilots in end of life care, working with ambulance service, supporting discharge from Accident and Emergency and wards.
Roadmap to Multi-speciality Community Providers (MCP)
Procurement EU rules: light touch process any contract over €750,000 must be advertised Competitive- Any qualified provider (AQP) dialogue or specification. Non-discrimination: The specification and bidding process must not discriminate against or in favour of any particular provider or group of providers. Objective evaluation criteria and weightings to all bids. Your procurement process should not give any advantage to any market sector or nationality/geographical background. In awarding a contract, you should consider how the potential providers meet your objective evaluation criteria, not what sort of organisations they are or where they are from.
Current issues Accountable Care Organisations- population or specialty ? Shift to MCP – collaboration or procurement ? If through collaboration need all partners to agree including Acute Trusts – transfer of resource – agreed system control total. If not all partners agree – increased risk of legal challenge. Financial pressures – difficult to double run, commissioners may need to procure to share risk. GPs at different stages of readiness. Need to address inequalities not worsen access to care Role of patient list Different vanguards – Mental Health, Orthopaedics, Urgent care
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