Planning a Regional Approach Open Data & Transparency Planning a Regional Approach Nigel Corcoran – Sheffield City Region Sheffield City Region
Sheffield City Region Agenda Sheffield City Region (SCR) & Cloud City Public Sector Transformation Why a regional approach to open Data? Identifying the Problems Plan and it’s initial focus Application for funding Importance of Engagement with the Data Community Sheffield City Region
Sheffield City Region (SCR) & Cloud City The Sheffield City Region (Regional LEP) consists of public sector organisations (Local Authority, Health, Blue Light), third and voluntary sectors, Further Education (Universities and Colleges) and the Business Community Cloud City consists of 3 Work-streams: - Public Sector Transformation Collaboration & Innovation Works Data Centres Sheffield City Region
Sheffield City Region 2. Public Sector Transformation (Work-stream) Supports the Sheffield City Region CIO Forum Group chaired by Sheffield City Council's CIO Paul Green who also leads on the Region Public Sector Transformation Workstream SCR-CIO Forum identify Common Business Challenges/Problems and Commission programmes of work to address SCR-CIO Forum discussed and agreed that a Regional approach to ‘Open Data & Transparency’ would be more beneficial than tackled independently Programmes of work and activity are reported fortnightly to the Cloud City Board Sheffield City Region
Sheffield City Region 3. Why a regional approach to open Data? To create a single and consistent framework on Transparency and openness across Sheffield City Region Enable a simple and effective way to engage with our data communities Demonstrate our commitment and value to being transparent Create confidence and trust between the data communities and public sector organisations Establish and maintain key data community relationships Consider common Data Publishing methods and shared Infrastructure solutions/options Sheffield City Region
Sheffield City Region 4. Identifying the Problems Establishment of a Sheffield City Region (SCR) ‘Open Data’ and Transparency Programme, enabling: - Executive Sponsorship gained from the Chief Executive and EMT of Sheffield City Council to act as sponsors of the Programme Ongoing Communications plan with key stakeholders of Open Data & Transparency Development of a regional ‘Open Data’ strategy and action plan for every organisation to implement and follow Agreed commitment to publish a minimum of 150 agreed open data sets to 3 star standard within 6 months and a total of 250 by 12 months from programme start A drive to improve Data Quality across all organisations Governance and support provided by a small central project team Support for Impact assessments (i.e. legacy technology/applications) Engaging and actively listening to our data communities Sheffield City Region
Sheffield City Region 5. The Plan will focus on: - Identifying some key examples where opening up information will create real opportunities A tangible reduction in the number of FOI requests to be made – a proactive approach to publishing data/information in a simpler, meaningful and accessible way Improve education and awareness within our organisations and communities around the Open Data agenda and how more data can be published and utilised proactively by services Remove the impact of duplicated and out of date data across services/organizations Remove the current barriers to implementing this key agenda associated with insufficient resources and skill Demonstrate to Open Data Community groups and public sector organisations to take this agenda seriously and improve information collectively Sheffield City Region
Sheffield City Region 6. Application for funding We recognised that what we are proposing/planning will require funding and have therefore applied to BIS for funding via the ‘Breakthrough Fund’ announced by BIS on 12th December 2012 We have also budgeted to enable some of the Breakthrough funding to support the establishment of ‘Open Data’ community groups in each of the Sheffield City Region locations Sheffield City Region
7. The importance of Identifying and engaging the Data Communities Why? The Data Communities will be your biggest critics Their needs/wants will be a key contribution to your demand profile We may be working with the premise of ‘publish everything’, however in the early days, understanding initial focused demand will save a lot of time, effort and money! Publishing data sets identified by your data communities early on in this journey will foster better relationships with your data communities and help set realistic expectations with this community Sheffield City Region
Any Questions? Thank you Sheffield City Region