ZIMS Studbooks Data Tracking, Reports, and Tools Using the Information in your Studbook
Studbook Activity When you open your Studbook the recent entries you have made will display under Studbook Activity. This is helpful should you get distracted and can’t remember what you had done, or if you come back to Studbook entry after some time away. If you don’t want to view this collapse the area by using the arrow.
Track Multiple Parents To track your MULT parents use the gear icon in the Change Parent Info grid. This will display what animals are contained in the MULT as well as what records the MULT was used in.
Track Studbook Start Date and Last Update The Basic Information box in the Studbook Overview will display the studbook Start Date. This should not change over time. It also displays when the Last Update to the Studbook was and this date will be auto- updated by the application.
Track Taxonomy Included in the Studbook In the Taxonomy Details, also found in the Studbook Overview, you can track what taxonomy is covered by the Studbook. This Studbook contains one species level and one sub-species level taxa.
Track GANS in the Animal List If the animal has a ZIMS GAN it will display in the lists of Studbook animals. If the animal has never been at a Species360 institution there will be no GAN to be displayed. You can also search by GAN in the search field.
Track Taxonomy by Individual Within the animal record the Taxonomy is tracked. Only species that have been assigned to the Studbook will appear for selection.
Data Quality Tool You can check the quality of the data in your Studbook by using the Data Quality tool found in the left side dashboard. The number displayed here is the total number of possible data errors that you may have, not the number of records with possible errors in them. You can refine your search by High, Medium or Low errors. Low errors (green circle) may not even be an error such as a Temporary Studbook number. Medium errors (yellow) involve data such as contraception and transactions. High errors (red) is data that may impact the accuracy of your studbook such as incorrect parental sex types or a deceased dam at time of lay/birth.
Data Quality Tool You can also look for data errors with a specific status from your main Studbook dashboard. This tool looks at your Draft Records in addition to your Studbook records so this is an easy way to know what data is still needed in your Drafts.
Tools and Reports Also in the left hand dashboard you can find the various Tools and Reports available in ZIMS for Studbooks.
Census Report The Census Report allows for multiple filters. This report is filtering by North America and AZA institutions. It is also excluding all PUBLIC facilities. If you select the Save icon at the top you can save this filter for easy access to use again at a later date.
Census Report The Census Report displays the count taken for each year on the date you selected when you filtered the report. It displays the Annual Lambda (N) and the Geometric Mean. The report can be downloaded as Excel for further manipulation.
Export to PMx You can export your studbook to PMx for analysis using Demographic, Genetic or Census filters. You are able to apply UDF filters to all three.
Data Migration Validation Report The Data Validation Report indicates if there were any issues in the migration into ZIMS for Studbooks from the previous application. These numbers may not always need to match to be correct. ZIMS has made changes to origin transaction requirements and Local institutions which may result in additional counts for these categories.
Location Validation Mapping The Location Validation Mapping Report shows if any locations/institutions in your legacy software (SPARKS or PopLink) mapped to a different mnemonic in ZIMS. Geographic locations have been converted to “institutions” in ZIMS and this may cause some differences. The Studbook IDs of any records impacted are listed.
Animal Comparison Tool The Animal Comparison Tool allows you to compare two records side-by-side. This is especially helpful should you think you have duplicate records.
Animal Comparison Tool This option is also available from within the studbook record by selecting the Compare button. The screen will display the current record on the left and the record you choose to compare it to on the right.
Re-number Temporary IDs Selecting to Re-number Temporary IDs allows you to quickly assign permanent Studbook IDs to your temporary records. You can do them manually as on the right, or have ZIMS assign them by selecting Generate All as on the left
Pedigree Reports The Pedigree Reports are available in Tools and also from directly within the animal record. You can select Descendants, Antecedents (ancestors) and Siblings. The Unknown Pedigree Report is available only under the Tools menu.
Export Animal Record From within the animal Record you can download the individual grids to PDF or Excel. You can also export the complete animal record to PDF.
Complete Animal Export This is an example of a Complete Animal record exported to PDF.
Export Animal List You can export any of your Animal Lists. Remember to select any filters to help limit the export to only the animals that you want included in the results. Select the Excel or PDF icon.
Export Assignments List You can also download the Assignments List to PDF or Excel. Remember to sort your columns prior to downloading unless you will be editing the document after downloading.
Data Entry Monitoring You can monitor data entered over the past three months and “roll back” any that was incorrectly entered using the Data Entry Monitoring function found under Start>Security Tools.
Data Entry Monitoring Select the appropriate studbook under the Institution/Studbook drop down list. High- light the entry you want removed (rolled back) from the studbook. Then select Undo Selected. The data will be removed in the record and the details of the roll back (date and person) will display in the right hand column.
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