Strategic Plan 2016
Support training and competency of chapter IPs IP Preceptor Program guide in development for new IPs, with estimated completion date December 2016. Will be posted on chapter website and shared by email. 17 first time CIC and 23 re-certifications for our chapter this year. Conference scholarships provided to six chapter members. Two Educational sessions provided at each chapter meeting. IP Preceptor Program guide in development for new IPs, with estimated completion date December 2016. Will be posted on chapter website and shared by email. 17 first time CIC and 23 successful re-certifications for our chapter this year. Scholarships provided to six members for attendance of professional conferences Educational sessions at each chapter meeting included: SSI Bundle, TB Exposure Follow-up, The Affordable Care Act & Product Selection: The Clinician's Role, Effecting Change, Rapid Molecular Technology: Improving Patient Outcomes, Sustainable Change in Hand Hygiene, Maximizing your environmental monitoring program. How to generate valuable statistical data , Patient Hygiene, Scope reprocessing best practices
Facilitate knowledge sharing During the past 24 months, IPs from our chapter submitted a total of 5 conference posters/abstracts, published 20 articles in peer reviewed journals, received two APIC awards. Chapter meetings re-structured to increase knowledge sharing and networking time with more CEU credit. Slide set posted on website for members to use for education/recruitment of students and training of allied healthcare workers. Meetings restructured to provide 1.5 hours education, and 1 hour round table structured networking Dialogue meetings with Lynne Janssen to underscore willingness of CA-APIC to serve as brain trust/clinical experts for CA HAI Advisory and Liaison Program and CA-APIC Vendor Liaison position created, and team convened – process created to ensure fair rotation of interested vendors in sponsorship opportunities
Influence healthcare leaders and legislation Three slides sets posted on website for members to use in training Hospital Executives regarding the role and scope of IP Professionals Chapter President served as President of CAAC this year as well. One SFBA APIC chapter member has been invited to participate in a panel presentation on November 3, 2016 during the annual HQI (Hospital Quality Institute) HAI Conference entitled “Reliable Design of IP Programs”. The primary audience will be Hospital Executives. Legislative Day led by Mary Virgalitto in Sacramento on May 3, 2016. Lobby group for CA-APIC identified as CLRs for each chapter – group meetings planned and started by CA-APIC CLR Mary Virgillito
Optimize Chapter Communication and Structure Our Social Media committee has created a Facebook page and encourages members to post pictures and information. We have created a specific tab on our chapter website entitled “Resources” on which much information and best practice information is posted for our chapter members and the public. We have also posted a collection of template forms and checklists on the Resource tab, to facilitate the job of each chapter officer and to support reliable design of our chapter. Transition to APIC template website – THANKS Dan! CACC members donated hundreds of $ to service project identified at each meeting including: Greater Richmond Interfaith Program , MedShare, George Mark Children’s House Presentation planned during November 2016 HQI Conference focused on education of Hospital Administrators re: Reliable Design of Infection Prevention and Control Updated and sent IP Resource Survey – plan to use responses to draft and submit article for publication in peer reviewed journal
Optimize financial health and community service Our Chapter donated $ to the following organizations: Greater Richmond Interfaith Program, MedShare, Second Harvest, Shepherd’s Gate, George Mark Children’s House Product Fair December 14 Biggest revenue generating event of the year where dozens of vendors will purchase tables and a luncheon will be provided for chapter members – Got to know my cousin Lisa Kilgore – so smart, organized – such great people skills – a true diplomat and leader!
My Vision for the Future of SFBA APIC Chapter: Leading Infection Prevention In the SF Bay Area, Across The Continuum of Care
How to Achieve the Vision? Continue structured networking and knowledge sharing during every meeting: Round Table Sessions Continue chapter projects (surveys, white papers, focus on supporting high risk populations such as dialysis centers, LTCF, etc.) Publish and present SF APIC work in a more formalized and intentional way – research committee? This year: Future: Guide: Plan one project each year to support IPs in California – e.g. survey on one aspect of practice – write and publish paper; abstract/poster on CACC at annual conference Network: Continue to include Round Table networking session in quarterly meetings for clinical expert knowledge sharing – spreading the good, preventing repeat of the bad Build consensus of California IPs to help lead and optimize HAI prevention practice in California with position statements (not mandatory) in areas such as: New technologies for supporting EVS cleaning standardized SSI bundle for expanding number of procedures starting with Colorectal and Abd Hysterectomy Reliable design of IP programs Strategies for IP support of infection prevention across continuum of care including LTCF, HH, dialysis, infusion centers Collaborate: Continue to work with Angela/IDAC to consult in development of an annual MD certification in infection prevention and control; Continue to collaborate with CDPH/HAI Advisory Committee and HAI Liaison Program when and where possible as clinical experts Educate: continue working with vendor liaison to bring cutting edge speakers to CACC meetings and sharing information with all chapter members Lobby: continue using our CLR to continue coordinating regular meetings for all California chapter CLRs to work as a group to lobby on behalf of our group, by email, phone and in person during legislative day