SAP SuccessFactors extension with SAP HANA Cloud Platform Innovation Use Case <Solution Title> <Partner Name> SAP & Partner Confidential <add partner logo>
Introduction What is the process? Why co-innovate with SAP? The purpose of the co-innovation program is for you, as a SAP Partner to develop your solution supported by SAP. We call it a co-innovation project, but it could as well be described as a proof of concept or a pilot. Prior to committing to a co- innovation project we offer so called “Power Weeks”, which are 3-5 day workshops with the purpose to prepare partners that have use cases suitable for a specific SAP technology to build their innovative solution. Seats at these event are reserved for only committed partners with a well defined solution proposal using this template. If the scope of your solution goes beyond a 3 month development cycle we will together try and scope the most meaningful subset of the solution as these co- innovation projects typically runs for 3 months. Upon receipt of your use case template we will schedule a qualification call for us to discuss your proposal in more detail as this template will only provide the basic information – this will also allow us to elaborate on the program and give you an opportunity to ask any questions you might have. Next steps will be agreed as an outcome of the call. Please fill in the template with all the required information. You are encouraged to include additional documents that you might already have that describes your proposed solution in more detail. Why co-innovate with SAP? A solution idea might look great on paper but: Does SAP already have, or plan to release, something similar? Is it technically feasible? What is the best architecture to realize this? Will it solve the expected business pains in a simple and accelerated way? Will it be well received by customers? Bring your idea to life with SAP and get answers to these questions and more, obtaining an accelerated development cycle and reduce the risk of your investment. Submit your use case today!* Please send to *Submitting a use case is no guarantee for Power Week participation or a co-innovation engagement.
Partner Company Info and Solution Description Company name and company website Company locations (city, country) Which SAP partnership model(s) describes your current relationship with SAP? Mark with (x) ( ) Channel Partner (VAR) ( ) OEM Partner ( ) Authorized Reseller ( ) Extended Business Member ( ) Partner Managed Cloud Subscription Delivery ( ) PartnerEdge for App Development ( ) SAP Crystal Solutions Reseller ( ) SAP Language Services Partner ( ) SAP Services Partner ( ) Not yet a SAP Partner ( ) Other (please specify) What are your top 3 focus industries? Main contact name for this solution <Name/Title/Email/Phone> Executive sponsor Project type <Migration of existing solution / Build new solution> (if migration please provide information on existing technology and development platforms) Solution title <e.g. Analytics mobile dashboard for executives in the financial services industry to predict financial trends.>. High level solution description, e.g. which pain points will your solution address, scenarios, etc.?
Products, Systems, Project and Resources Which SAP products do you plan to use for your solution? Mark with (x) ( ) HANA ( ) HANA Cloud Platform ( ) Mobile Platform ( ) ERP/Suite ( ) S/4 HANA ( ) BI ( ) HCM/Successfactors ( ) Cloud for Customer ( ) Fiori ( ) Other (please specify) What’s your experience level with HANA Cloud Platform and SAP SuccessFactors? ( ) Discover ( ) Confident ( ) Advanced Please describe in detail how you will use these products in your solution. For which products do you expect to require the most support? SAP software and system access. For which software and systems do you need access? Expected deployment model (e.g. Cloud, On-premise, Hybrid) What is the timeline for starting and finishing your project? How many resources do you plan to allocate to the project?
Business Plan Indicators How do you judge the market potential of your solution? Profile of target companies in terms of your top3 focus industries, LOB, size, and countries Decision makers in these companies Personas / users of your solution Do you already have pilot customers? Please indicate who. Are they willing to become reference customers? Which SAP partnership model is applicable to you for taking the solution to market? Mark with (x) ( ) Channel Partner (VAR) ( ) OEM Partner ( ) Authorized Reseller ( ) Partner Managed Cloud Subscription Delivery ( ) Other (please specify) For which SAP Products do you expect generating license revenue by selling your solution? Mark with (x) ( ) HANA ( ) HANA Cloud Platform ( ) Mobile Platform ( ) ERP/Suite ( ) S/4 HANA ( ) BI ( ) HCM/Successfactors ( ) Cloud for Customer ( ) Other (please specify) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Expected # of customers (how many will be a reference?) Expected # of users Expected license revenue to SAP List other key success factors
Executive Sponsor (yes)? Use Case Validation (To be filled out by SAP) Reviewer name Title Organization Review date Endorsed (yes/no)? Executive Sponsor (yes)? Remarks Mandatory Co-Innovation Lead GPO Solution Center <region> Director GPO Market Unit <region> Optional (depending on the use case) Co-Innovation Lab SVP Industry or LOB Business Unit yes GPO Industry Lead GPO HCP Team HANA Partner Engineering Other