English II Mrs. Haynes Haltom High School 2016-2017 Class Rules “Literature is no one’s private ground, literature is common ground; let us trespass freely and fearlessly and find our own way for ourselves.” - Virginia Woolf Class Rules 1. Follow directions quickly. 2. Raise your hand for permission to speak. 3. Raise your hand leave your seat. 4. Make smart choices. Class Expectations Be in seat when bell rings. Electronic devices are left in “Daycare” on classroom table if student uses a restroom pass Do not use electronic devices in class without teacher permission. TWO (2) Restroom Passes per student per 6 weeks Follow all assigned CHAMP’s Bring all of your supplies to class daily. Complete all of your work and turn it in on time. If you are absent, please come before or after school to get any work that you missed. Every day as you enter, read Screen/Chalkboard and follow the instructions. Course Description Welcome to 10th Grade, English II. Our focus this school year will be learning and developing our skills as critical thinkers, readers, writers, speakers, and listeners. The development and mastery of these important literary skills not only is important to achieving success in the English classroom, it is a critical component of achieving success in other school subjects, building strong relationships with others, and attaining a flourishing career as an adult. Basically, the quality of life you experience now thorough adulthood will depend a lot on how well you read, write, and communicate with others. Rules and Consequences *Cell Phones and Electronic devices are off and put away (before you enter my classroom). Consequence: Cell Phones and Electronic Devices go to the teacher: 1st time – they will be returned at 2:45; after that – they will be turned in to Student Services. *Edible items are put away. Consequence: Edible items go to the teacher’s desk until the end of class. *All personal items are on the floor. Consequence: Personal items go to the teacher’s desk until the end of class. *Work on English bell to bell. Consequence: Work that is for another class goes to teacher; it will be returned after school. *Keep hands, feet, and objects to self. Consequence: 1st time-warning, 2nd time-seat change, 3rd time-D-Hall; after that-referral Note: If an action is persistently disruptive, the consequences are per teacher discretion You will need the following Supplies for English by Tuesday, August 30, 2016: 2” 3-ring binder (w/pockets)—This will be used for ALL of your classes (AKA Buff Binder) 1 Folder with pockets –any color, brads not needed Pens (black or blue only) and #2 pencils 1 Highlighter (any color) Colored Pencils (minimum of 5 colors) Plus the item listed below for your period of English: Periods 1, 3 & 7-- 1 box of Kleenex Periods 5 and 6 = 1 Package of Notebook Paper. jacqui.haynes@birdvilleschools.net 817-547-6000 ext. 6218 1
Don’t Forget to Sign up for REMIND Mrs. Haynes English II 2016-2017 Additional components of success include: Grade Scale Coming to school – I cannot help you if you are absent. Trying – Even if it’s difficult, don’t give up. There will be days in which you will have outside reading or homework. BUT, you will not fail this class if you complete all if your work when it is due. Bring your supplies – Carpenters need a hammer, Painters need paint, Doctors need a stethoscope, Computer programmers need a computer, and STUDENTS need their Buff binder and a pen or pencil, every day.. A+ = 100% A = 94% - 99% A- = 90% - 93% B+ = 87% - 89% B = 84% - 86% B- = 80% - 83% C+ = 77% - 79% C = 74% - 76% C- = 70% - 73% D = 64% - 69% F = 0% - 63% What do I do if I am absent? Always check the class ABSENT WORK BOX for agendas, handouts, and assignment due dates. You are welcome to attend tutorials listed on our classroom/faculty page on the BISD site or request an appointment. Do I have to read outside of class? Don’t Forget to Sign up for REMIND In an effort to improve engagement and practice of outside reading alongside establishing an effective reading habit in the busy lives of high school students, English II is pleased to announce the implementation of an Article the Week reading and writing assignment. Reading outside of the classroom has been proven to reduce stress and is an excellent strategy which prepares students for college curriculum and continuing education. Developing a passion for reading improves stamina and fluency while building confidence when gaining new vocabulary in context. Additionally, these reading skills enhance writing techniques contributing to increased analysis and response to a variety of texts regarding literary works, current events, and international concepts. Text the message @e26e39 to the number 81010. *If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @e26e39 to (682) 730-5108. *Supplies due by Tuesday, August 30th What are the examples of readings this year? 2” 3-ring binder (w/pockets)—This will be used for ALL of your classes (AKA Buff Binder) 1 Folder with pockets –any color, brads not needed Pens (black or blue only) and #2 pencils 1 Highlighter (any color) Colored Pencils (minimum of 5 colors) Plus the item listed below for your period of English which you will turn in by Tuesday, August 30th: Periods 1, 3, 7 = 1 box of Kleenex Periods 5 and 6 = 1 Package of Notebook Paper “Eleven” / “Harrison Bergeron” / “The Landlady” / “Ballad of Birmingham” / Eisenhower’s “Message to the Troops” / “I Have a Dream” / “There Will Come Soft Rains” / “Only Daughter” / Julius Caesar / “Amigo Brothers”/ “The Landlady” / “The Lottery” / Assorted poems and prose not listed What types of writing will I do this year? Rhetoric (Rhetorical Devices), Persuasive Writing, Parts of an Argument, Understanding/Analysis of Literary Texts, Composition, Revision, Editing jacqui.haynes@birdvilleschools.net 817-547-6000 ext. 6218 2
Jacqui.haynes@birdvilleschools.net 817-547-6000 ext. 6218 3 Mrs. Haynes English II 2016-2017 Please Read the course information, sign, and return this sheet to Mrs. Haynes. Thank you! We are going to have a great year! ***Students: Please sign below to signify that you have read the course sheet for Mrs. Haynes’ class. Mrs. Haynes will keep the form in our class period folder. I understand that I am responsible for updating the information throughout the year, and will check Skyward at school or at home in an effort to monitor grades and attendance. _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Student printed name Student signature ***Parents/Guardians: Please sign below to indicate that you have read the course sheet for Mrs. Haynes’ class and that you will help your student be accountable for the information. If you have questions about the course or your student’s work, please do not hesitate to contact me; email is the best way to reach me quickly. See the front of this sheet for my email address. Parent/Guardian printed name Parent/Guardian signature _______________________________ ______________________________________________ Parent/Guardian e-mail Parent/Guardian daytime phone number (please print) Parents and guardians, please CIRCLE the best way for me to contact you: e-mail phone Check all the statements that apply to how you would like to communicate with Mrs. Haynes about your student’s progress. I will, of course, call for major concerns or accomplishments, but with approximately 150+ students, I’d be grateful to know how you’d prefer to communicate. You do not have to check all statements, you are welcome to write your communication preference on the lines marked “Other” _____ I/We have internet access at home, so we will check Skyward Portal at least twice per week to check on my/our student’s progress. I/We will contact Mrs. Haynes about any concerns we have. _____ I/We plan to email Mrs. Haynes weekly or monthly for an update. _____ I/We do not have internet access at home, but I/we would like to have regular contact with Mrs. Haynes. I/we will call or email for an update on a regular basis. _____ Other: ______________________________________________________________________________ Jacqui.haynes@birdvilleschools.net 817-547-6000 ext. 6218 3